
Dead Sea could do nothing but watch as the last of his hostages were executed. He could see that his men had only just made it to the bottom of the steep hill that'd most likely lead to whoever was responsible.

"FUCKING COWARD!" he shouts at the west, releasing his frustrations at having failed Caesar, even if there was nothing he could do about it. He and the rest of the Legion saw snipers as the biggest cowards possible. There was no honour, no bravery in killing someone who was completely unaware and unable to fight back. Some may find this hypocritical due to them lashing their defeated enemies on crosses, but any who made the comparison would find themselves joining those on the crosses.

He knew he'd likely be punished for this turn of events, but that wasn't as big a loss as the fact his reputation would be in ruins. He'd been a useless orphan among the Great Salt Lake and was taken in by the Legionaries, trained to be a fierce warrior. Everything he was, he could be was in question at this very moment.

His eyes squinted as he spotted a glint of light off in the distance. It was like looking at a reflective material from very, very far away... His eyes widened and he quickly threw himself to the floor, just as a bullet passed over his head.


Afton frowned as the Legionary somehow ducked under Boone's bullet. Did the man have superpowers or something? Spider sense? Dodging a bullet simply shouldn't be possible. Regardless he entered VATS and mentally calculated the distance the man would be after Boone reloaded, locating where he'd be after running for a moment.

"1600 meters, 8 feet away from the corner of the building on his right." he quickly says and Boone gives a small nod.

Afton watches as Boone lines up the shot... *BANG!*, he could see the faint trail it made as it zoomed towards the Legionaries position. They were a mile away so it too a couple seconds for the bullet to reach the enemy... Fortunately, it looked like his calculations were correct. If someone were to watch Dead Sea in slow motion it'd look like the man was running into the path of the bullet. It was slightly off and didn't blow his head off, instead hitting the man in the neck.

"Nice shot." Afton states, he guessed that the Legionary they'd just shot was the leader of the encampment judging by how he ordered the others around, so it was lucky they'd managed to eliminate him.

Boone glances at him, "No, it's your spotting that made it happen. Not my longest shot ever, but impressive nonetheless, especially on a moving target."

Afton shakes his head and looks over the cliff edge at the rapidly advancing Legionaries, "Enough fo the compliments, we got rapey footballers coming in hot." he states. They hadn't noticed the duo yet and so Afton wanted to get the first shots in.

He stands atop the edge and looks down at the enemy, they were still quite far away but he had the high ground and an amazing vantage point. Boones looks at him in confusion as he places a hand on Lucky and uses VATS to stop time and allow him to prepare his first actions.

[John Wick Style is in effect]

Time resumes and he rapidly draws Lucky, fanning the hammer and firing all six shots down at the Legionaries so quickly it sounds like he's firing an SMG. He quickly holsters it and draws That Gun and fires all five shots from it as well.

Almost all shots struck where he was aiming, ten heads have new holes in them while a Legionary found that'd he'd been giving an abrupt tracheotomy. Screams of surprised terror erupt from the group as they all duck into cover, Afton does the same, dropping to the floor while rapidly reloading both his weapons.

Boone is surprised by what he just saw, Afton had eliminated eleven people in a couple seconds... Sure, he had the advantage of surprise but the skill he'd displayed with those pistols was nothing to scoff at. Shaking his head and deciding to leave these thoughts for another more appropriate time, he crawls backwards to get away from the edge. The Legionaries knew where they were now so popping his head out to take a look would likely be a death sentence. "Got any plans?" he asks his spotter, knowing that it'd be difficult to retreat from here with the legion mongrels still around.

Afton smirks at him and flicks open a lighter and igniting the bundled fuse he'd prepared earlier. It was fortunate dynamite was so easy to deal with, his Explosives skill wasn't all that great, but he knew enough to deal with some fuses. Not to mention his Repair skill helped him in that regard.

The fuses spark and start travelling towards their payloads. The Legionaries probably wouldn't notice them due to the cords snaking in between and through rocks and boulders. Even if they did they'd have trouble locating where the dynamite actually was.

Boone peaks around a corner and fires a shot from his hunting rifle, the bullet blasting through a recruit's face and causing them to tumble down the steep hill the Legion was trying to fight their way up.

The sound of discharging weaponry fills the area, shotgun pellets, rifle rounds, and many other different kinds of ballistic ammunition is fires at the duo's position. Though, either from the adrenaline, poor strategic positioning, or lack of personal skill. The Legionaries were unable to shoot anything noteworthy. Not that Afton or Boone were giving them a chance to hit them of course.

Both knew to listen for the brief gaps between shots when their enemy was reloading to fire off one of their own. Superior skill allowed them to slowly pick off the enemy as they continued to approach.