
After taking a brief breather and gets back up, glancing around the room and spotting a terminal in the corner... This one at least seemed to be somewhat intact, unlike the others he'd come across. Turning it on, he finds that most of the information on it had been entirely cleansed by whoever last used it... Probably the overseer?

He mentally shrugs, whoever it was didn't want any research from this place to see the light of day. Afton couldn't blame them either, the situation as it was right now was untenable at best, but if someone in a highly-populated area tried to recreate the fungus? That was an extinction-level event waiting to happen.

Everyone on the surface would be forced to wear gasmasks permanently to avoid being infected by the spores, every biologically based organism would become part of the fungus and most likely be inedible. Jungles would spread across the barren wasteland and become factories for spores...

All in all, Afton was fairly sure this place could result in the end of the world... It was somewhat ironic that in the Fallout universe it isn't even nukes that'd end up wiping everyone out.

The terminal wasn't completely useless though, apparently it still had access to the various locks around the Vault. Crew quarters which were probably restricted in an attempt to stop the spread of the fungus. Data backup, which was probably the only thing left of the research the scientists had conducted here, if Afton had to guess it would most likely be at the bottom floor where the fungus first began spreading. And last but not least, Cavern Access...

Cavern access... Nope, Afton had idea what that was used for... Perhaps a large area to grow the fungus? In which case he'd keep it shut, bu-uut, it may very well lead to something that could help him out... He clicks on it but is greeted with the message :

Error! Override engaged at door site.

Hm, he probably needed to find the corpse of the person who had access to it. They'd most likely have a card or some sort of identification on them... Though, that seemed like an impossibility due to the fungus reanimating everyone's corpses.

Shaking his head, he unlocks the other two options and looks at the circle-shaped window that gave a view over the Common Area. It was a large open place with two levels, the first was almost entirely covered with plant life, and Afton dreaded to think about how many Spore Carriers were down there.

The second was composed of tow large balconies that overlooked the lower floor, like wooden roots tangled much of the room, and a thick fog of spores lingered in the air. Afton sighs to himself, "Anja, if you wanna leave and try to warn everyone else about this please then do so... If not then we've got a date with however many creatures are down there." he prods the window with a finger.

Anja looks sheepish when given the choice, she wanted to leave, and it would probably also be the safest choice for herself and everyone else on the surface... But, she felt an obligation to see this through, not to mention towards the man that'd saved her from slavery and potential death under Cook-Cook.

She shakes her head, "I'll stay with you sir."

Afton nods and gives her a thankful smile, "Alright... Before we do anything else though..." he grabs the axe from his bag and steps back from the window before smashing it in one swing.


Shards of glass fall to the first floor, causing many of the Spore Carrier hit to rear up and scream at whoever had done that. Of course, they were blind and so dumb that they wouldn't think to check where the glass would have most likely come from.

Afton waves in-front of his face to disperse some of the spores that began flooding into the room. He uses some cloth to filter the air somewhat but ends up in yet another coughing fit. Anja pats his back until he eventually calms done.

He looks over through the shattered window and reaches into his bag, pulling out a couple of grenades that they'd found on the upper floors. Afton was somewhat surprised most of the Spore Carriers hadn't started wandering around in search of the one responsible for the shattered glass, regardless their inattentiveness made them an easier target.

Unclipping them he tosses the grenades to the first floor, making sure to catch everything in the blast radius.


One mighty explosion later and a cloud of dust, spores, and smoke obscured their view to the first floor for a moment. However, once it cleared they could see small areas where the plants the grenades had landed upon were utterly annihilated. Not to mention that most of the visible Spore Carriers had been blown to kingdom come.

[Challange complete : Lord Death V3 1000/1000 kills]

[Challange complete : Abominable V1 50/50 abominations killed]

[Challange complete : Abominable v2 100/100 abominations killed]

[Perk upgraded : Lord Death]

[Lord Death V3] : +4% Damage to all enemies.

[Perk granted : Abominable]

[Abominable V2] : +6% Damage against Abominations.

It was music to Afton's ears when the stream of notifications came in. Apparently there were more than 150 enemies down there, they were very, very lucky he decided to clear some out before rushing down there... Afton doubted that even if they weren't immediately rushed and murdered, that they had enough ammunition to deal with that many.

Those things weren't like humans in that one shot to the head would definitely kill them (With the obvious exception of Tamia), no he wouldn't even be surprised if those things could regenerate. After all, plants could regrow from their roots alone!

"Come on, let's clear the rest of them up... Just one more floor and we can get out of this shit-hole."