Indiana Jungle Jones

Keely purses her lips when he questions her, "I wanted samples from that big tree... Soon as I scraped some bark shit hit the fan. Was forced to hide in here, but, as you can see, the roots found me eventually." she says, sending a pointed look at the roots restraining her to the wall.

"What about your skin... It's green like the Spore Carriers, are you sure you're not infected?" he asks, knowing that she's probably immune to it, but still wanting to know her theory.

Keely attempts to shrug but the roots simply tighten their grip when she does, "Ghouls are immune to the spores, but that doesn't mean they'll stop trying. Our cancerous cells will kill anything introduced to our bodies, be it out own cells or intrusive ones... By the way, I still haven't gotten your names." she states, looking at them expectantly.

"Afton Parker, this is Anja... Now, about those roots, think the tree will go berserk again if we cut you out?"

Keely gravely nods, "If you cut it we need to leave quickly... I don't know if I'm able to walk though..." she mutters.

Afton nods, "Alright, here's how we'll do it. I'll cut the roots and take Keely, Anja you will clear anything in the way of the exit while we run. Cool?" they both nod and he gives them a reassuring smile, "Cool."

Afton holsters his pistols and pulls out the axe, it's previously dulled blade having fixed itself via his [Mechanicus] Perk. He gives the duo one last chance to blackout before bringing it down on one of the roots wrapping Keely.


A sound no different to chopping into a tree can be heard, and immediately afterwards a loud, low rumble echoes powerfully through the cave. Afton rears back and tries again, chopping through the first root and causing the low rumble to turn into a silent shriek.

The remaining roots try to constrict Keely but Afton speeds his chopping up, outside he could already hear the roots tearing apart everything around them... Hopefully the Spore Plants would be among the targets.

A couple more chops and Anja pulls Keely out of the bundle, Keely trying to stand but falling to her knee's, obviously too weak to walk. Afton shoves the axe into his backpack and throws Keely over his shoulder as if she were a sack of potatoes. "Let's go!"

*OOF* Keely groans as all of her weight is forced onto her stomach, "Treat me like a princess why don't ya!"

Afton smirks, "Apologies but I lack the equipment for that."

"Like what? A sense of decency?" she playfully accuses.

"My other arm... Though if you want a princess carry then I'm sure Anja would volunteer!" he says just as they leave the cave and are greeted with utter destruction.

The luminescent tree had apparently not taken kindly to its roots being destroyed and had begun tearing apart everything in the cavern. Most of the Spore Plants were dead, and stalactites from the ceiling were beginning to fall.

Both large and small rocks were beginning to dislodge from the walls as the tree's roots tore apart the foundations that kept the cavern from caving in. The group decided not to stick around and wait to see what else would happen, quickly gunning for the exit at the opposite end of the cavern.

They made sure to stay well away from the tree by circling around it in a similar fashion to how Afton and Anja had first snuck through. Only now they were forced to dodge falling stalactites and randomly flailing roots that could hit like a swung tree.

Afton leaps over a root attempting to sweep across the floor and Anja just barely makes it over, raising the laser rifle towards the next offending root and firing a couple times. She misses most of her shots but a few connect, leaving large black scorch marks on it and causing the root to retract.

Afton uses VATS to freeze time and examines the path forwards, quickly noticing a couple stalactites in Anja's path that may harm her. He resumes time and calls out to her, "Anja! Get out of the way!" he shouts.

Unconsciously her body throws itself to the side just as a couple stalactites pierce the floor where she'd just been standing. It was fortunate she was so used to following orders otherwise she might've met her end right there.

Quickly she picks herself back up and follows Afton, clearing some more roots out fo the way as they run through the narrow entrance leading back to the Vault. Even though this cave system is relatively safe they don't stop running until they get back into the confines of the Vault metal interior... If it could survive the apocalypse then a cave-in would be nothing.

Anja and Afton stop to catch their breaths, the latter unceremoniously dropping Keely and begging to cough again. Droplets of dark blood spattering the floor under him. "Auuhhhh, fuck!"

"Seems like you haven't got much time left." Keely observes from the side rather callously.

He sends her a sideways glare, "No shit sherlock, don't forget I got infected trying to save your sorry ass." he states, not wanting her to forget the debt she owes him.

Keely nods, "I don't mean anything by it, just stating a fact."

"Think there's any hope for me?" he asks her.

Keely shakes her head, "No, not really..."

Anja interjects with a frown, "How can you be sure? You aren't all-knowing," she turns to Afton, "I'm sure we'll find a way to help you sir."

Afton chuckles weakly, "Huh, thanks for the optimism. I guess..." he says while releasing a sigh, "Before we do anything, we need to deal with the spores somehow. If they leave the Vault then it won't just be me who's fucked."