Afton exits Lightwaves Dynamics Research and finds himself back in the hexagonal concrete forest. Fortunately, there weren't any ambushes waiting for him like last time. He glances up and flicks the fluctuating ring still floating above his head which causes it to wobble, but slowly stabilises.

Yeah, he was still unsure how it functioned, but he had plenty of time to ask the scientists when he returned. Over in the distance, he could see the X-13 Research Facility, so he quickly started heading towards it.

There weren't any more Night stalkers patrolling around, so it was very easy to make his way to the facilities door. Not wasting any more time, he enters inside and finds himself in a brightly lit room, reminiscent of the old Brotherhood bunker he used to live in.

Of course, there were some differences. The main being that there were bright blue lights attached everywhere, looking like the veins of the facility as they snaked through the floor, walls, and roof.

He steps out into the hallway and spots a locked door on his right, but ignores it for now. Choosing to check the open door on his left. Inside he's greeted with a lab of some sort, most likely robotics considering the scrap metal and electronics lying around.

One side of the room held a whiteboard with design suggestions, as if someone had held a meeting and discussed what product they wanted to design. Of course, there were many terminals sitting around, all of which appeared to be working.

Ignoring the terminals for now, Afton focussed on the large strange desk? sitting in the middle of the room. It looked like a counter and seemed to be welded into the ground, the top of it glowed and depicted some sort of suit? Most likely the stealth suit he had been asked to retrieve.

The suit depiction had its arms glowing green as opposed to the rest of it that was just white... The reason for this? Probably due to the physical stealth suit arm pieces sitting atop the desk. Afton examines them for a couple moments, taking a keen interest in the really, quite astounding work that'd gone into them. Whoever had designed them were certainly talented and knew what they were doing.

He skimmed through the terminals while he was here, finding many entries detailing the research and development of the suit. Though, as much as Afton would like to stick around and learn all he could, he did have a task to do. Once Mobius was gone he'd definitely be coming back here though.

Afton takes the arm pieces and heads to the next open room in the hallway, seeing a similar set up but with a desk topped with boots this time. The relevant armour depiction glowing green to indicate he had the right component.

Once he'd scoured the room for anything else to loot, he headed back into the hallway, around a corner and into the last open room. Again, there was a desk topped with a component of the suit, the chest piece this time. But Afton spotted a few other things that caught his interest.

Lining the back wall were mannequins wearing some sort of... Chinese Stealth Armour? They were partly disassembled, most likely due to the Think Tank scientists using stolen technology for their own stealth suit. Honestly, it made Afton smirk.

The Chinese had been on the losing side of the war due to America's invention of Power armour. The Chinese had tried to combat this with creations of their own, the Chinese Stealth Armour, and while yeah, sure they were incredibly good at infiltration, they simply couldn't match up to Power armour, forcing the war to go nuclear.

It was all logged in the Brotherhood. But Afton remembered thinking at the time whether or not China had managed to create Power armour in the end? He was interested to see what other technology may still be over there. Regardless, he checked the room over before taking the chest piece.

[X-13 Experimental Stealth Suit Complete]

[You have obtained the Aural Stealth Suit! Not only can it be upgraded through testing in X-13, it also has Med X and Stimpack reserves for all your pain-dampening needs! (Med X and Stimpacks not included)]

Afton raises a brow at this, having not thought he would've found all the pieces of this tech yet... But apparently, he had... He was somewhat expecting a helmet to be lying somewhere, but to each there own he supposes... He checks the completed Stealth suit via his Inventory to get its statistics.

[Stealth suit Mk II]

DT : 14

Weight : 25

Effect : +15 Sneak

Value : 30000

Hm, it wasn't all that much better when compared to his Recon armour.

[Recon Armour]

DT : 17

Weight : 20

Effect : +5 Sneak

Value : 7200

Recon armour had higher DT, but lacked the bonus sneak values... Afton was going to start using the Stealth suit only because it could apparently be upgraded via the X-13 facility tests. Though, he also wanted to see why it was so much more valuable as well.

He takes off his rather sweaty Recon Armour, leaving him in nothing but underwear and a t-shirt. But quickly starts putting on the Stealth suit. He wasn't willing to risk being 'naked' for too long, who knows what creatures were walking about this facility.

The armour itself was made of tough black fabric with white lines decorating it. It was also plated with white metal that protected his vitals. The gloves were very good, grippy, and allowed full dexterity of his fingers, while the boots supported his ankles in an extremely comfortable way.

Everything about it was designed with stealth and infiltration in mind, from the dexterity it allowed, to the sound suppression. The fabric seemed designed to create a little sound as possible, and even the boots seemed almost completely silent when he was purposely stomping around.