
Afton shrugs to himself and steps into the Auto-Doc, allowing the machine to examine him. With the addition of Nyx, the check isn't even invasive as it can use her to check his condition.

It takes a couple minutes to finish, but once done the Auto-Doc speaks up again, "God-damn, what kind of hell-hole did you crawl out from? Heavy radiation damage, remnants of a deadly fungal infection, roots wrapping around your heart, even lacking your brain? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were just a walking corpse." it says, clearly astonished by his survival thus far.

"Yeah... Shit's been rough. You done with your checks?"

"Almost... Try to keep still." it says, and he feels the many small needles connecting the Stealth suit to his body heat up slightly.

After a bit more waiting, the astounded voice of the Auto-Doc makes itself known again, "Jesus, Mary, Joesph... Boy, you're strong as a bull, agile as a weasel, and built like a brick-shit-house. I wanna meet your folks and beg them not to birth anymore of you, unnatural creatures such as yourself'll only cause trouble."

"Okay... I'd let them know if they weren't already dead." he says, not really knowing how to reply to the robot.

"Goo-*Ahem*I mean, you have my condolences... Tests are done, calibrations are complete. What can I do for ya' today?" it asks, the Auto-Doc opening and allowing him to step outside.

"Well, what can you do first of all?" Afton asks, deciding to check its full capabilities before getting his brain, and possibly his spine put back in.

"Regular check-ups, treatments, radiation flushes, cosmetic surgery, implants, and psychiatric evaluations. You know, the basic stuff... With time I might be able to come up with more, with your permission of course." it explains.

Afton slowly nods, taking great interest in the implants, along with the psychiatric evaluation, perhaps he'd be able to rid himself of his fear of plants? Honestly, he didn't think much of psychometrics, they weren't as well-founded as other medical fields after all. "What Implants have you got?"

The Auto-Doc proceeds to list out the currently available Implants :

[Implant C-13] : Plus 10% damage to cazadores.

[Implant M-5] : Your crouched movement speed is increased by 20%

[Implant Y-3] : Removes any radiation taken from drinking an irradiated water source.

[Implant Y-7] : +5 health and +2 restored action points through the consumption of food.

Afton raises a brow at them, Usanagi certainly had more 'combat oriented' implants, but these were pretty good in their own rights. He could see uses for all apart from Y-3, as radiation from water didn't negatively affect him, and even empowered him to an extent.

M-5 was probably the most useful out of the bunch, combine the 20% crouch movement speed it grants with the Stealth suit's +20% would give him massive bonuses. He wondered if he'd eventually be able to crouch walk faster than he could run... It would look pretty fucking stupid, but would be effective nonetheless.

"Do I have to purchase them?" Afton asks, most of the machines here were designed before the Great War, all apart from Alfred had no concept of caps as a currency, so hopefully he'd be able to get them for free.

"No... As long as the commissary has the right materials I can implant whomever you want. I'd say to keep it to one implant per day though, surgery can be taxing on the body." it states.

Afton nods, "Alright, but before that, I want you to put my brain and spine back in my body... I have the X-2 Antenna, Stealth suit, and Sonic Emitter ready for the procedure."

"Good, then you've already got the pieces needed. I might as well give you an Implant while you're cut open, so what do you want?" it asks.

"The M-5 implant, if possible."

"Alright... Grab the other tech, get out of the Stealth suit and we'll get started."

Afton does as he's told, his Medical Skill allowed him to keep an eye on how preparations for the procedure were going, while he trusted the Auto-Doc, he still wanted to makesure everything was fine himself.

Four hours later :

Afton blearily wakes up, now laid on his bed in the Sink, the procedure having finished a while ago. His body is sore all over, but before he can check himself he's bombarded with numerous messages in his peripheral.

[Big Brained Perk has replaced Brainless] : Your brain is back in your body, but some of the advanced technologies remain: Your head still cannot be crippled, but you are only 10% more resistant to addiction now. Surprisingly your Damage Threshold has improved by 3.

[Big Brained] : Head cannot be crippled, 10% resistance to chem addiction, +3 DT.

[Reinforced Spine Perk has replaced Spineless] : Your spine is back in your body, but some advance technologies remain: Your torso can now be crippled again, but your Strength (STR) and Damage Threshold (DT) bonuses have doubled! (+2)

[Reinforced Spine] : +2 DT, +2 Strength.

[Your Strength has achieved superhuman levels! Title granted : Goliath]

[Goliath] : +50% to intimidation checks. Feats of Strength grants +10% fame.

[Perk Gained : Implant M-5]

[Implant M-5] : Your crouched movement speed is increased by 20%



Afton ignores the level-ups for a moment while checking the new Perks that'd replaced the old ones. To be honest, he was a bit nervous at first, reading that some Perks had been replaced. But one he saw the new ones his worries were vanquished.

The new [Reinforced Spine] Perk had put him above what he previously thought the max stat level was, giving him a title in the process.

[Big Brained] was pretty negligible, but he wouldn't scoff at the extra DT, especially since Chem addiction resistance was pretty useless to him anyway.

He hums to himself and looks to towards the level ups, immediately putting all points into Survival and boosting it to 89 before moving onto the available Perks.