
Afton was strolling outside the Think Tank, getting from fresh air after spending many hours hunched over his desk. He watched as robots hobbled and floated from one place to another, all completing various tasks assigned to them.

Already, Afton could see a drastic change to Big Mt. No longer were raving bands of Lobotmites roaming around, Afton had assigned the Cyberdogs from X-8 to finally deal with them. Dala objected as she still wished to use some for experiments, but Afton understood such research was more for her enjoyment than anything useful.

This did leave quite a large stockpile of weaponry in storage though, the Lobotomites had somehow acquired relatively good equipment to arm themselves. Sure, all of it used by them for any length of time was rather heavily damaged, but that could easily be fixed.

Already, the area around the Think Tank was looking almost brand new, there weren't any more wreckages or scrap metal left after the robots had shoved them into Aphan and reused for something else.

Not to mention the footpaths had been 'renovated' with fresh stone and concrete. Though, that was more on Klein's whim than anything, Afton personally wished to get everything important done first before fixing the aesthetics of the place.

Afton squints as a large figure begins approaching, carrying something in its mouth. As it got closer he could finally see that it was a massive dog, Gabe... After Afton took over Think Tank, he worked with Borous to try and flush the various Chems out of the beast's system. Afton's medical knowledge was as good as it can get... For humans. For Gabe he was left being a lab assistant for Borous.

Eventually, they managed to fix Gabe up, but the beast's mind seemed to have reverted to a puppy's... Perhaps this was good, perhaps this was bad. On one hand, it wouldn't remember the brutal experiments it was subjected to. On the other, they'd have to train a GIANT dog to be calm and respond properly to orders...

In the end, Borous just elected to expand the X-8 Lab and shove Gabe in it so he could be trained like the rest. It didn't take long, and now Gabe was essentially the pack leader of their army of Cyberdogs.

Most of the time they patrolled inside and the outskirts of the crater, but Afton also had them assigned to the robots scavenging materials far out of the crater. He hadn't lost any Cyber dogs or robots yet, and that's the way he wanted to keep it.

He focussed on the thing in Gabe's mouth and scowled. It was a Spore Carrier. The limp corpse of the green creature was in pieces and dripping green, almost coagulated blood as Gabe dropped it before Afton, sitting and wagging its tail as if waiting for a reward... Which it probably was.

Afton didn't have any food on him so he decided the next best thing... "Who's a good boy?" he coo's, scratching the dog on its head and behind its ears.

"You're a good boy!" Nyx joins in and praises Gabe along with Afton. The dog sucking up the attention like a vacuum cleaner.

Afton knew Nyx had been a bit bored through these weeks of 'not sneaking', but there wasn't really much he could about it. He intended to treat her when he'd finally constructed his chosen weapon against the X-22 Lab, and everything else infected by Fungus.

He would have asked Dala to come up with a serum to completely kill it, but he'd obviously also die as a result. It was honestly very, very fortunate that she'd managed to inhibit its growth in the first place. The fungus had been created before the great war, which is why Vault 22 had it, so if it had been left for 200 years it would've literally subsumed the world by now.

"User, your appointment with Dr. Mobius is in five minutes." Nyx states, Afton having asked her to help him keep on schedule.

He palms his face, "He'd almost forgotten..." he stops stroking Gabe, much to the dogs chagrin and heads back into the Think Tank, travelling up the Sink and onto the balcony. He reaches into his Deathclaw leather satchel and retrieves a Holodisk which he plugs into his Pipboy.

He looks at the program that'd been opened up and at the various locations that were listed... "Think Tank, no. X-13, no. Higgs Village, no... Ah, Forbidden Zone Dome." he mutters, selecting the option and going completely still.


Lightning strikes his position, completely disintegrating him and leaving nothing behind. Not even a scorch mark on the floor where the lightning had hit.


Another bolt of lightning strikes outside Mobius residence and Afton steps out from it, nonplussed. Robo-Scorpions were patrolling, but they left him alone, as opposed to what happened last time.

He quickly made his way through the massive chamber where repairs on the Giant Robo-Scorpion were on the way. Mobius had programmed some robots via already known schematics to fix up the damage Afton had done to it during his fight.

He makes his way past and into the dome where Mobius was residing... Walking through the tunnel, and up the ramp into the main chamber. As opposed to what it was previously, there was no-longer a sickly green fog hanging around the air, the writing scrawled across the floors and walls had disappeared and many of the damaged machinery had been repaired.

Floating above a desk with some sort of arc-welder was Mobius who was looking very, very different from when he'd first met the scientist... As promised, Afton flushed his Bio-Gel and added a mixture of various chems into it that'd hopefully fix some of the problems 200 years of not degrading in expired Bio-Gel would cause.

Of course, he wasn't a miracle worker... Not for other people at least. Mobius was still pretty senile, but more or less didn't have massive problems remembering things nowadays. This allowed him to focus on various projects without getting distracted and going off on a tangent.

His broken monitor and damaged robotic body had been repaired, and the misty fog in his brain tank had been cleaned, making it clear and his brain visible to all who wished to look... Why they'd want to do that though is a mystery.