Morning Horn

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

Afton grumbles as he raises his head out of bed to look at the door, "Five more minutes!"

*Knock, Knock, Knock*


*Knock, Knock-*

"Alright! Alright! Fine!" he exclaims, rubbing her eyes as he rolls out of bed, putting on the Stealthsuit before heading to the door. It wouldn't do for any random person to see his mutated body after all.

He opens it and comes back to face with James Garret, the man standing there with a nervous look on his face, "Er, hey Afton... You... You have a guest down at the bar, I try to keep my head above things but... I didn't think you were affiliated with... 'them'" he quickly mutters, and Afton could hear the fear in his voice.

Afton raises a brow, "Who?"

James tries to say but the words get caught in his throat as he looks around the hallway, instead, he just puts his index fingers on either side of his head facing upwards, as if mimicking horns...

Ah... So the Legion have come to talk with me? Shit.

Afton rests a hand on James' shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll handle this." he says, going back into his room and gathering his weaponry before stomping down to the ground floor.

Obviously, the first floor was basically empty, no one wanted to gamble, whore, or drink first thing in the morning, especially since most had already been doing it all night. There was one person, however, sitting at the bar sipping a glass of wine. They were exactly as Afton remembered, wearing the primly black suit with a bowler hat... Not very inconspicuous, but it apparently worked to keep their true allegiances hidden... Somehow.

Fortunately, none of his companions were awake to hear the conversation he was about to have with the man, he really didn't want to explain this to those not in the know.

As he reaches the bottom of the stairs, the spy's eyes glance to him, but he still makes no indication that he'd seen him. He just continues demurely sipping his wine, with no cares in the world.

Afton sits next to the man and leans forwards, catching his eyes, "Whaddya want?"

The man places the wine on the bar and turns to him with a dull expression, "It has come to our attention that Major Lowell Thompson Jr, is dead. But I'm sure you already know of this, correct?"

Afton slowly nods, not giving any indication on his involvement, or lack there of, of the Major's death.

"Then, are you also aware that you failed the task given to you?"


"Simple... The time limit was meaningless, we wished to see your work ethic, and found you wanting. Did you really think the Major would 'accidentally' wander into a cannibal's arms, Mr Parker?"

"That was you?" Afton asks in surprise, having not expected that.

"In time, you'll find that we are responsible for most things, Mr Parker. You are lucky it is not up to me what happens to you, but Vulpes Inculta. He had decided to give you one last chance before he reveals your identity and crimes to everyone in the Mojave, and out of the Mojave."

Huh... Had the Legion not found out who was responsible for their string of failures on the west side of the colorado? Probably not judging by the fact they were still willing to give him a mission... Still, if this bought him some extra time, then he'd accept it, whether or not he actually wished to kill the target.

"Fine. Hit me."

The spy shakes their head at his language, "And they call us barbarians, very well. Your target is Ranger Chief Hanlon, they have been a pain in the Legion's side for far too long. Eliminate him, and the Legion will see your debts cleared... Understood?"

Afton just nods, deciding to not vocalize a response.

"Good." the Legionary says, finishing their wine before getting up and leaving, not saying another word to him.

"Wait... How long do I have?" he asks as they reach the door.

"One month." the spy states, before finally exiting the building.


Afton leans back against the bar and lets out a long breath, "Fuck."

Well, he only had a month to kill Chief Hanlon, otherwise, the Legion would fuck him, his identity, his crimes against the NCR, and fuck everyone affiliated with him... Seems like he'd need to speed up his timetable...

Not long after the Legion spy had left, James comes back in and stands behind the bar, taking in Afton's tired look, "You alright there, buddy?"

Afton just waves him off, "Yeeeaahhh..." he drawls, "Give me a shot of Vodka, something to liven up this shit morning."

James pours him the drink and slides it in front of him and Afton downs it just as Karl reaches the stairs leading to the first floor, "A bit early for drinking isn't it? 'Specially with what we got 'ta do later."

Afton just shakes his head, "I'll be fine, it's just a pick-me-up. Where are the others?"

Karl shrugs, "Still getting up I'd bet... Better get some water ready for Josie though, don't think that girl has ever drunk so much before..."

Soon enough, the rest of the group start leaving their rooms and coming down to the bar... Last of which is Josie who looks absolutely awful. Messed up hair, bags under her eyes, pallid skin, and a tired but mean look plastered on her face.

She sits down at the bar with a thump and Karl immediately slides a glass of water in front of her, she downs it and James pours another, passing her a couple headache tablets as he does so, "On me, I've been down that road enough times to know how shit it feels."

She gives him a weak smile, "Thanks..."

After everyone is gathered, Afton calps his hands, causing Josie to wince but catching their attention nonetheless, "Alright, what's the plan for dealing with You-Know-Who?"