Deferred Resistance.

Hardin scowls at Veronica, as much as he hated to admit it, she had a point. The Codex clearly stated that their role was as protectors, not rulers. Still, he couldn't just let these outsiders stroll around HIS Chapter as if they belonged here!

"You may quote all the passages of the Codex as you like, but misconstruing them to suit your needs is the height of heresy! Mind your words now, Scribe Santangelo." he growls out.

Veronica shakes her head, "I refuse! You were never like this in the past Hardin, and I don't know what's caused it, but this isn't the right way... If we are going to reveal ourselves to the surface, why start by punishing, and imprisoning VIP's?"

"VIP?" Hardin asks, confused... He glances over at the outsiders but couldn't see anyone that'd fit the bill.

Veronica nods and gestures at them, "The entire group are well known in the Mojave as Mercenaries, and-" she points at Tamia, "She reports directly to Mr House, the first one to do so in centuries! Do you really want to make enemies with him?" she asks.


"I was unaware of that. Very well... Outsiders, you are free to leave." he says, but as Anja attempts to follow the group he speaks up again, "Not you, Abomination. The other's may be innocent, but mutants don't need, nor deserve our mercy. You should be punished for even daring to step foot in our Chapter! You will be taken outside and shot, where your filthy blood won't dirty the floor." he states, waving at the Knights as they go to drag her away.

"Hold up!" Afton exclaims, walking up and grabbing one of the Knight's elbows to stop them, "You'' have to go through me if you want to hurt her, I promised her safety, and I intended to keep it." he states.

Hardin shakes his head, "Knight Parker, you will stop interfering in their duties and head down to the barracks. I may not be able to punish you for McNamara's crimes, but I can keep you busy for years to come..."

Afton growls at him, in the past he'd been pretty friendly with Hardin, but apparently he's become a massive cunt since he was gone. Honestly, he was shocked McNamara had vouched for him, but that'd saved his rank as Knight, something he really didn't want... As he was still technically a member of the Chapter, he'd be forced to obey Hardin's orders. And he had no doubt the man would stop him from venturing into the Mojave alone again.

Honestly, what options did he even have anymore? The NCR would soon be against him, the Legion was already against him, and if he didn't allow the Brotherhood to shoot Anja, they'd be against him as well... But, could he really allow them to execute his companion? Someone who he'd fought beside, someone who'd risked her life for him on many occasions?

The answer was no. No, he could not allow them to do that.

Afton spits on the floor and glares up at Hardin, "You can take my rank as Knight and shove up your ass you piece of shit! You will not harm her!" he shouts, causing the few that knew him in the room to gape at him.

Hardin glowers for a moment before his face morphs into a smirk, "Oh? Is that an official statement of your abandonment of the Brotherhood?"

Afton nods, "You can word it how you like, but I can't abandon people who'd shoot my friends on a whim. If you are willing to do that, then you are no brother's of mine." he states.

"Then it will be so, Knight Parker, as Elder I strip you of your rank and any affiliation with the Brotherhood of Steel. You are to be exiled and never return, may Maxon have mercy on your soul." he says, before turning to the two knights holding Anja, "Continue your duties." he says, as if Afton's words meant nothing.

Afton, finally losing his temper, pulls the Knight away from Anja, almost causing them to topple over in the process. He then pulls the ghoul behind him and puts his fists up, ready to beat the shit out of any that approaches... Unfortunately, guns beat fists... Everyone nearby raises their weapons at Afton, ready to fire.

He probably wouldn't die if he got into a fight with them, but Anja would. Gauss Rifles are incredibly powerful, even if they hit the floor next to him, the force of it would be enough to blow the leg off of a regular person. He might do better, but it was still a 50/50 whether or not he'd live through fighting everyone.

"You're a coward Hardin, hiding behind your guards while deciding who lives and who dies. You have only just become Elder and the power has bloated your fat head!"

Hardin shrugs, "And what would you have me do, Parker? We do not spare mutants, the Codex is clear on that. Would you rather have a Trial by Combat?" he asks with a raised brow.

Afton upon hearing this quickly nods, he'd almost forgotten about that... It was one of those lost and vague passages in the Codex, intended to only be used when a dispute could not be solved peacefully. Usually it was only supposed to be between Brotherhood members, but since Afton left he wouldn't be able to challenge Hardin... Though, it didn't matter since Hardin was the one who'd challenged him. "I accept."

Hardin grins at him, "We will fight in the training room then. You may confer with your allies and the Abomination." he states, leaving the room to presumably prepare for the trial.