Tunnel Problems

Afton walks past the many new fields around Big Mt containing the prewar crops that were growing. Beside him was a drone-like machine that hovered 5ft off of the ground with one large orange eye zipping around the place erratically.

"So how are our guests getting on, Glados?" he asks as he walks up to the orchard and swipes a banana from a nearby tree.

"We have begun to find uses for them that do not include dissection. The AI designated as Alfred is currently using them to test and create food combinations for you to try, he is also training a select few as servants." she explains as he munches on a banana.

"Huh, that's... Interesting? I guess... Any of them wanting to return home yet?"

"There have been some. But your orders stand and they will be unable to leave without your express permission."

Afton nods, "Things have changed, so I want you to add another project to the list... Thought triggered explosive chips." he states, and begins wondering if he was imagining the slight sputter in the robots hover mechanism... Perhaps Glados was just excited at the prospect. "Do not begin testing on any of our current guests... I have a feeling some prisoners will fall into my lap soon enough, I'll send them over once I acquire them."

"That is acceptable." Glados states.

"Anyway, how is progress going on scavenging outside the crater?" he asks, wondering if the robots and cyber dogs had run into trouble yet.

"Approximately 37 units have been destroyed since the start of the operation, the biggest cause seems to be a strange humanoid subterranean species. The Cyberdog units are effective, but the numbers of the creatures quickly overwhelm them... Production of more Cyberdog units are already on the way, and further projects improving their fighting capabilities have been given to Doctor Borous, Doctor Mobius, and Doctor 8." she lists off without emotion.

Afton rubs his face and tosses away the banana peel, "Humanoid subterranean? Do we have any idea what they are?"

"The human designated Cass calls them 'Tunnellers' truly the imagination of humans is to be aspired to." she drawls before continuing, "She says that there was speculation of their existence and no actual proof, only that people mysteriously disappearing with no traces aside from disturbed earth. Further investigation with scavenger and Cyberdog units indicates that they are rapidly creating vast underground tunnel systems, so perhaps the stories have some truth in them."

"Have we caught any yet?" he asks, not liking the sound of these creatures.

"Cyberdog units have acquired 2 samples, one of which is currently being dissected by Doctor Dala. Do you wish to observe the operation?"

Afton nods, it would probably be a good idea to get Dala to concentrate and not get lost in slicing away at the creature until it was in neatly organised piles...

"As you wish, follow me." Glados states and has the drone float towards the Think Tank.

He's led through and into the vast basement that'd been created... The scientists really didn't like to leave the Think Tank, so they compromised and created labs underneath them that allowed easy access... At least this way it was easier for Glados to observe everything, since all the necessary connections were already set up.

He's led into Dala's laboratory which smells surprisingly clinical despite all the jars around the place filled with a variety of organs from god knows what creatures. At the far end of the room was a heavily reinforced window, through it he could see Dala already dissecting the strange creature, her heavy and husky breathes could be heard through the microphone...

"That's it little one, be free from that cage you call ribs." she almost whispers, and Afton feels as if an insect had landed on the bag of his neck... He presses the button which brings to life the intercom on the other side, "Dala, it's Afton, what's progress have you made?" he gets straight to the point, ignoring the eccentricities of his scientists... If he paid attention to it he might've gone mad a while ago.

"Ah, Teddy Bear?" she asks, turning her monitors towards the window. It wasn't one way, so she instantly locked eyes on Afton, again giving him the creeps.

"Concentrate Dala, this is important." he states with no emotion, at least, none she could detect.

"Hmph, fine..." she says, he attitudes changing into her professional one. "Subject shows high levels of mutation over a significantly long period of time. Scales, spike, claws, venomous fangs, front set nocturnal eyes indicate its predatory lifestyle, however, the two samples we acquired are remarkably different to one another. This correlates with reports I have heard, which means they are either an interconnected hive colony with different organisms having different roles, or that mutations occur far faster than any other species we know of.

From the DNA I have acquired from the samples, they appear to be descended from humans... Though, I can see no form of genetic splicing, meaning outside interference was unlikely. One of the samples appears to have been a pregnant female, eggs to be more specific. How a descendant of humans mutated to lay eggs I have no idea." she trails off.

Afton presses the button again, "Are there any materials we can harvest that are better than what we already possess?" he asks.

"No. Their claws are like toothpicks compared to Deathclaws, their scales and hides also pale in comparison. Their venom is a weak Hemotoxin that will cause massive clotting should it be introduced to an organism, but it is not as fast-acting or as powerful as Cazador venom.

The only advantage they hold over other creatures is their genetic variety, hive-like behaviour, and sheer numbers. Their gestation period is currently unknown, but I speculate that they breed extremely quickly... With their reptilian biology, they do not require as much sustenance as most mammals would, allowing them to spread with little to no food." Dala explains.