Blaze of Destruction!

The few NCR troops that were ordered to keep an eye on Afton and his groups progress were confused when he stopped his truck before reaching the Legionary blockade... They were far enough that they were forced to look through the scopes of their rifles, and use binoculars to properly see what was happening...

This is why almost all of them were completely blinded when something shot down from the clouds... they were lucky their retinae were completely burned out by the light show, the few who were lucky enough to avoid temporary blindness were greeted with the view from hell...

The blockade that'd previously been standing had been reduced into glowing red molten muck. The one who kept most of his senses immediately radioed into the base, "Colonel!"

"*Bzztch!* What is it now? Did Parker and his buddies kick the bucket yet? Over."

"*Bzztch!* NO! They stopped and the Legion blockade disappeared!... It's gone, Colonel!"

Colonel Moore's eyes widen, she glances around at the other men in the room who were listening to the conversation and they have similar expressions... "*Bzztch* Soldier, report what happened!"

"*Bzztch!* A flash of light from the sky, like someone dropped a nuke on the Legion blockade! There's nothing left Colonel!" the man continues to ramble, clearly taken aback by what'd just happened.

Upon hearing this Colonel Moore looks around at all of her frozen aids, "Well?! What're you doing!? Prepare the troops! We'll gain some ground and destroy their defensive positions while Parker keeps them distracted!" she exclaims, causing the rest of the men to scramble to complete their orders.

Back with Afton, Veronica starts revving up the .308 Machine gun turret as he drives past what was left of the barricade. Everyone in the back was giving their own mini-celebration at the utter destruction Afton had just caused, despite it though, they remained composed and ready to fight.

"Take that you fuckin' slaver bastards!" Afton laughs as he accelerates forward, the truck shooting through the canyon path and towards the other Legion defences... They weren't like the blockade, instead just having various encampment at the side of the road where the Legion slept and took breaks from defending the front line.

Obviously, the sound of the blockade being destroyed had attracted their attention, and it seems that someone had radioed in what'd happened, getting the rest of the Legionary defences ready for Dirt-Hog.

"COME GET SOOOME!" Veronica yells as she fires the turret at the Legion defences... Not even aiming at anything in particular, she was like a bull, shooting at anything that looked even remotely red.

The K9000 on the front was also hard at work, blasting most of its ammunition into the unlucky sods who'd caught its attention... The Legion's lack of proper range munitions is clearly displayed here, what do you do against an armoured assault vehicle when you only have machete's and light machine guns? Nothing, that's what!

There were a few brave Legionaries who attempted to charge at the vehicle or even to stop it... Dirt-Hog made short work of them however, leaving only smears on the road and its armoured plating. Of course, there were a few mines hidden in the road, but due to Dirt-Hog's underside plating, they were almost entirely useless... Unless two or three hit a single wheel at once there was no chance of permanent damage...

Due to Afton's [Mechanicus] Perk, any damage the vehicle actually sustains is slowly repaired... And that's not even considering Afton's [Danger Sense] which allows him to unconsciously avoid the mines anyway!

The Legion's defences all proved useless under the blaze of destruction laid by the group. Hundreds had been killed already, yet Afton didn't wait around to finish all the Legionary troops, instead just driving past in the direction of the Fort...

Afton could spot the end of the canyon, yet there was another large blockade. Via his Danger Sense he could detect something dire at the end of it... Before they read the blockade he finally spotted what was giving him the dire feeling. Atop each side of the Canyon passage were large stacked boulders and scrap metal that would most likely be rolled onto anyone below trying to breach the defences...

Unfortunately for the Legion, this blockade wasn't as thick as the last one. He pushes the accelerated to the floor and speeds up the truck, the abrupt increase in speed causes some chaos in the Legionaries who were planning on dropping the boulders... They had misjudged when to trigger the trap, and it was now too late to do so.

"Veronica! Strap yourself in the back!" Afton calls out, knowing that if they crashed into the wall while she was still manning the turret she'd probably be killed, even while wearing the armour. Fortunately, she isn't caught in bloodlust and does as he asks.

Dirt-Hog speeds towards the wall, Afton doesn't even brace himself as the vehicle crashes straight into it.


The armoured assault vehicle hits the wall at speeds most vehicles in the wasteland aren't able to reach anymore. The impact of which punches straight through the wall, sending huge amounts of debris flying and killing a large amount of Legionaries who were manning it.

Afton himself wasn't doing much better... He'd managed to stay seated, but large sharp bits of scrap metal pierced straight through the bullet proof windscreen. They were like swords attempted to reach him, stabbing the back panels of the front of the truck... A few managed to hit Afton, but were easily deflected off of his armour.

Growling under his breath, he continues accelerating while punching out the shards of scrap metal out of his windscreen, leaving large holes in the cracked and shattered windscreen. The Legionaries who survived the rain of debris had expected Dirt-Hog to be completely out of commission, and so were incredibly surprised when it started accelerating again...

The front of the vehicle was heavily dented, and one of the wheels were slightly warped... Even still, it continued moving!

"You guys okay back there?!" Afton shouts, hoping no one had been killed by the impact... This is what he had seatbelts installed for, so he'd be incredibly annoyed if they hadn't worked.

He hears Veronica's voice shouting back, "Everyone's fine!... Karl's been knocked out though!"

Afton shakes his head, "Wake him up then! He'd kick my ass if we left him outta this!" he calls back, only now noticing that the K9000 on the top of the truck had stopped firing... Taking a peek out of the window, he spots that the barrel had been completely warped, preventing anything from passing through... "Fuck!"