Mutative Mutations on Mutants Mutagens...

Afton scrambles up the roof as Rick Astley blares over the speakers... Already the entire plaza was full of Ghosts, and Afton was sure there were Ghosts from other Districts as well... There were so many that they could probably use one another like ladders to reach higher places... Which is an incredibly unnerving thought.

"Come on, let's get moving before we catch the horde's attention." he quickly says to Dean and Veronica as they start jogging away.


Unfortunately, it seems as if they'd attracted the 'boss' with the racket they'd created... The group timidly turn around at the sound of heavy, rattling metal and heavy obstructed breathing...

Afton's eyes focus on the figure that's standing directly opposite them... It's tall despite being hunched over, almost taller than Afton was even in his Power armour... It had crimson skin and the words 'GOD' scarred across its chest... Its arms and legs were covered in rusty chains that it seems to be used as weapons, and it's wearing a gas mask, one that looks as if it were pried from one of the other Ghosts... "Super mutant?" Afton mutters, utterly confused by its presence.

Dean backs away slightly with a fearful look on its ghoulish face, "It's him again! That damned Dog!... I thought he was killed in the Cloud!?" he shouts, pointing towards the familiar collar that's still around its neck.

Veronica shakes her head, "Looks like he was mutated..." she mutters, knowing that she'd barely won the fight last time, if it'd gotten stronger then she'd need both Afton and Dean to work together on this...

Afton glares at the rasping figure, wondering when it'd decide to attack... For now, he uses [Living Anatomy] to see how it differed from the other Ghosts.

[Ghost Mutant Reaver]

Health : ??%

Stamina : ??%

DT : 30

Strength : 17

Perception : 3

Endurance : 17

Charisma : 0

Intelligence : 2

Agility : 3

Luck : 0

Ailments :

[Cloud-Ridden] : An unfortunate soul complete contaminated by the Cloud, forcing them to live an agonized and tortured resistance. Unable to die through most conventional means, regenerative capabilities, enhanced strength and endurance while everything else is significantly reduced.

[Blood-Crazed Hunter] : Massively enhanced agility when attacking, mental derangement.

[Super Mutant] : Immune to most diseases and radiation.


Well, fuck. This thing was strong as hell, though, Afton didn't know if his various Perks and Power armour would put him above it... Regardless, its regeneration would be a problem.

Afton draws his Ultra Chainsword and taps the unactivated blade against his thigh, "WELL THEN? COME ON!" he taunts, with both arms spread eagle.

With an angry grunt, the Ghost bursts into movement, far faster than any of the other Ghosts were able to. It flies towards Afton with a spin to gain momentum for its chains. Afton just ignites his blade and slashes down at the offending chains though, easily cutting through them and destroying the Mutants 'weapon'.

He hadn't expected the creature to be absolutely unrelenting however, he'd thought it'd be taken off guard by the loss of its weapon, but the unavoidable fist to the side of his head begged to differ.


[Grit is in effect]

The punch would be strong enough to knock him off of his feet, but his [Stonewall] Perk prevents anything like that from happening, instead, forcing him to stand upright as the Mutant tries to attack again.

His Danger sense niggles in his mind at the slight damage he's taking, but before he has the chance to retaliate Veronica was already upon them. Coming down from a leap and slamming her fist-shotgun into the back of the Mutants head, blowing a large hole into it and covering Afton's helmet with the gory contents.

Strangely though, the Mutant just stumbles instead of falling unconscious like most Ghosts usually do once their brain is destroyed. It tries to look around but is unable to due to its lack of eyes, but the hole in its head quickly begins to heal up.

Dean shoots it from behind, but his bullets basically bounce off of its skin, displaying just how tough its skin actually is... Add it's regeneration and Afton was sure it'd destroy any task force the NCR or Legion could send... Perhaps even the Brotherhood and Enclave wouldn't be able to fight this thing.

Dean's shots don't achieve anything aside from drawing the Mutant's attention... Dean gives a womanly sounding shriek as he flees in the opposite direction, the Mutant hot on his tail.

Afton gives a short sigh as he and Veronica chase them. Deans agilely hops across the rooftops while juking the Mutant, barely managing to keep out of its grasp... That doesn't last for long though as it eventually grasps Dean by the throat.

Dean tries to retaliate by shooting the Mutant in its eyes, but it doesn't even flinch at the loss of its sensory organs... Dean can feel darkness quickly overtaking him as the grip increasing in strength, feeling as if his eyes are about to pop from his skull!


Dean's let go as the Mutant's arm drops to the floor, attracting both it and Dean's attention... Afton had flung his Chainsword forward with his whip-like Plant arm, and was now retracting it back to normal.

The Mutant growls and gives Dean a fierce kick which launches him off of the roof in response before jumping back onto the roof where Afton and Veronica were... Veronica runs to intercept as Afton throws his plant arm out again, this time to intercept Dean's fall... The Cloud wasn't present below, but a horde of Ghosts certainly was...

Afton feels his rope-arm wrap around something, but Dean was now out of view and out of time... So, he takes the risk and pulls it taut before tugging it up, pulling the Ghoul back to them. He glances to the side as Veronica fights the Super Mutant, both of them trading blows but Veronica clearly being on the losing end of the trades...

Sure she was more skilled, but the Mutant was far stronger, and had utterly ridiculous levels of regeneration that not even Afton could match. Even its arm had already grown back, making it feel like an unwinnable fight.