Extract Value

With that, Afton's time in the Sierra Madre was quickly coming to an end. After he, Veronica, and Christine had rifled through and confirmed everything of value in the vault, he'd left to go to the hidden lab that controls the Cloud. But not before checking the now isolated terminal to see what Sinclaire had to say to Dean...


If you're reading this, this is goodbye. You will have many years to read this message. Why you have smiled in my face and held a dagger to me, I do not know. You were rich, respected... even admired, loved by many. When you finally pass away down here, either by your own hand or starvation, know that your greed has led you here, for no reason I can understand.

You have made a habit in using others for your own ends. Now, the Sierra Madre is your reward. Whether you used blackmail or force - or even played to Vera's greed, it will not help down here in the Vault. Greed has led you here. I hope it leaves you as empty as you left me.

The door has sealed, the elevator has left. Even Vera's voice will not unlock it. Know that on the night of the Gala Event I shall raise my glass and whisper, 'Fortunato.'

In pace requiescat,

Frederick Sinclair"

Afton scratches his face while staring at the message, seems like he'd not seen all Dean had to offer yet... The Ghoul presented himself as a 'happy-go-lucky', competent, and driven person. Yet he'd not seen any attempts to manipulate, blackmail, or force things to go his way... Though, this is probably because he never got the chance... Who was he going to manipulate or blackmail? Him or Veronica? Fat chance. And the ghoul probably didn't even dare to try forcing things, what's his dinky little revolver gonna do against literal bulletproof armour?

Afton was still going to offer Dean a place in Bulwark, but he'd first have the scientists do a psychological evaluation on him. Afton wasn't going to risk leaving a rogue element free to run around his property to cause trouble.

Afton's head turns towards the vault door that'd quickly sealed itself shut, many mechanisms activating to make it an almost impossible to break blockade. Fortunately, since the terminal had been isolated by Nyx, the elevator was still fully functional. The door didn't prove much of an issue either, as he carves his way through it with his Ultra Chainsword.

With that, Afton left to go to the hidden laboratory controlling the Cloud so the group could finally return to Big Mt, while he did that Veronica and Anja escort Dean and Anja down to the vault, both making sure to explain the circumstances of the vault, Sinclaire's intentions towards Dean, as well as what the group intended to do with the treasure, making sure Dean understood that it didn't belong to him... At least, not entirely.

The ghoul would be compensated a small amount of gold, should he wish to leave without the group, they'd allow him to take as many gold ingots as he could carry... Which as it turns out, isn't much considering he'd recently had most of his foot blown off.

Afton quickly reaches the Cloud control system and has a sort of cyclone appears around the Casino, this removes all of the Cloud from above them, allowing them to finally see the clear sky, instead of the roiling Cloud of corrosive red fog.

Afton feels a familiar thrumb in his head as Glados' voice begins speaking in his mind, "Creator, your journey has taken far longer than first anticipated. Are you alive and well? Do you need forces to extract you?" she asks.

Seems like the Cloud had been obstructing the brian wave device that allowed Glados to speak to him over vast distances... Fortunately, now that the Cloud above them was gone, teleportation and the communication could be brought back.

"Not immediately, I'll have Nyx set the coordinates on the Sierra Madre Casino's roof. I need you to send Spiderbots to carry objects, dismantle technology, and prepare to teleport them all to Big Mt." he thinks to himself, hoping Glados could hear it.


Afton nods, leaving the Cloud manipulator where it is and quickly heading to the roof, afterwards waiting for Nyx to set the coordinates. An hour passes and eventually many bolts of lightning come down from the sky, all of them hitting the rooftop and leaving behind tens of thousands of Spiderbots in their wake.

"Take any technology that isn't present in Big Mt, but make sure to leave the Cloud controller lab for last, it's currently in the process of condensing the Cloud, so we'll probably need Glados to send reinforced glass containers to hold the residue left behind." he says, not completely sure what the residue is yet. He's pretty sure you can quite easily turn it back into gaseous form, which would make the Cloud incredibly easy to deploy when needed... All you'd need to do is stockpile the residue and turn it all into gas when you wish... This would also prevent any mishaps from occurring, for example, somebody accidentally getting caught in it, or a bunch of feral ghouls getting turned into ghosts...

With that done, Afton gathers up his companions and takes them up to the rooftop so the Spiderbots could properly start extracting everything. Dean had refused to go alone for obvious reasons, so he'd be taken along and introduced to Bulwark, then tested to see if he was suitable for a role within it.

"So... How are we getting to your base again?" Dean asks with a dull look, "Do you have another vehicle coming?"

Afton shakes his head, "Just hold onto your panties." he states as lightning strikes him and causes him to disappear.

"WWAAH!?!" Dean exclaims at the sight of this, quickly looking side to side at those present, only seeing Christine have slight concern on her face. The rest look as if this is an everyday occurrence. "What just happ-"


Lighting strikes him halfway through his sentence, forcing the air from his lungs as he feels a hard tug on his body, pulling in every direction... Then, as fast as it came, it left, leaving him on his knees in front of the Think Tank, many servants and robots all looking towards the group with interest.

A drone flies over and floats in front of Dean as its single orange eye glares at him, "Subject designated: Dean Domino, you have been selected for psychological analysis, please follow this unit." it states and starts slowly moving.

Veronica pats Dean on the shoulder, "You better get moving, trust me, Glados is scary when she's angry..."

Dean just unconsciously nods and begins limping in the direction the Drone left.

Veronica glances over to Christine, and only now notices that the woman is frozen in place, staring up at the Think Tank building with utter fear written across her face.