
[Perk has been updated : Beauveria mordicana armamini]

[Beauveria mordicana armamini] : Both of your arms have regrown and become stronger than before! +4 DT against damage dealt towards them and +20% resistance against being crippled.

Afton sits up after the operation, his body covered in blood from the nonstop trimming of flesh... He felt slightly lightheaded from blood loss, but his regenerative properties quickly clear this up once the procedure was over.

He looks down at his left arm that'd become the same colour and material as his right, he clenches his fist and begins manipulating the material, changing it from a blade, to many tentacles, back to his hand. It was harder than it when he did the same with his right, but he supposed he just needed practice with it.

He's about to sit up and address his friend, scientist, and girlfriend when time suddenly stops. And the familiar system flits across his vision.



Huh? A level up outta nowhere? Could it be that the system(Author) forgot to grant his EXP after Hoover Dam?(Yes.)

He releases a sigh and forces himself to relax so he can choose the best option possible. Again, he ignores the [Perks] and [Skills] tags, and moves onto [Mutations].

There he goes over the Mutations he'd considered taking last time, particularly the one that hardens and makes his body more durable via the Spores infesting his body... There was also one that'd allow him to use his plant arm... Plant arms mutations? Over his entire body, essentially making everything, from his feet to his head, a weapon.

His interaction with Macka had reinforced the idea that he wasn't undefeatable however, the man had easily taken control over his body, forcing him to be a puppet without any ability to oppose him. Truthfully, this scared him slightly, it didn't matter how powerful he was if he could be dominated by someone else.

Thus, he began looking at Mutations that'd boost his resistance to mental and physical manipulations... The list was larger, and smaller than he'd initially expected...

Most of the Mutations presented were things that prevented Chems, diseases, and other things from affecting the mind and body. He was unsure how effective these actually were, as if he possessed them he might've kept his mind as he became a 'Spore Carrier'... Not a nice thought, but interesting nonetheless.

There were other more specific Mutations on the list as well, from Sonic Torture Resistance to parasite resistance... Eventually, he found some things that might actually help with his recent predicament.

[Body of Mind] : Irrevocably links the mind to the body, preventing any manipulation of the signals between them. This was exactly what would have stopped Macka, but it would also prevent him from executing some of his other plans.

Earlier he'd considered implanting his brain into another body, but he didn't know if this mutation would prevent that... It sounded as if it would.

There was also another Mutation specifically involving Mind Control...

[Mind of Thorns] : Causes the brain to dramatically change shape and function, this prevents mental intrusions by causing crippling pain to any attacker. Yeah, sounds good, but, he wasn't too keen on anything that'd change his brain, and potentially alter his thoughts and personality... Obviously, the Mutation would intentionally do that, but any change to the brain could lead to catastrophic changes, for obvious reasons.

Fortunately, after getting fed up and deciding to continue through the long, long list of other more miscellaneous resistances, he discovers something they may help... Though, it seemed very expensive pointwise.

[Supernatural Resistance v1] : Alters the way the body interacts with matter, preventing any positive or negative interaction with Supernatural elements. This includes Psykers, Ghosts, Spirits, Gods, and Rabbits respectively depending on what tier the Mutation is.


Now, this was good shit. Though, it did create many more questions in his mind. Judging by the Mutations wording, the first level would protect against Psykers, the second Ghosts, third Spirits, fourth gods, and fifth... Rabbits...?

He shakes his head, deciding not to think about the last one... He was unsure how to react about Gods apparently existing in this universe though?... Or maybe, they didn't and that was just how strong the Mutation would become, and the system was just grading itself, regardless of its usefulness to him.

"Urgh." he rubs the bridge of his nose, either way, he'd get the Mutation, even if it costs two points to get it.

He selects the Perk and crooks a brow when he spots how expensive the next tier actually is... 20 points to get resistance against Ghosts? That seems a bit, fucked... Wait, how much would it cost to reach the Rabbit tier?

He shakes his head, again deciding to not think about it.

Time resumes once he confirms his selection, immediately sitting up and grabbing his Pipboy that was sat on the metal desk next to the operation table. He ignores Dala and the other two walking into the room and checks his status to make sure things were correct.

Afton Parker

Title : [Executioner of the Wastes], [Free Sheriff], [Fiend's Fiend], [Goliath], [Steel Waste], [Well-Meaning Disaster]

Level : 56

Points : 0

[Skillpoints to Perk] : 6/15

S.P.E.C.I.A.L :

Strength : 13

Perception : 12

Endurance : 12

Charisma : 7

Intelligence : 9

Agility : 12

Luck : 8

Skills :

Barter : 21

Energy Weapons : 100

Explosives : 100

Guns : 100

Lockpick : 94

Medicine : 100

Melee Weapons : 100

Repair : 100

Science : 100

Sneak : 100

Speech : 100

Survival : 100

Unarmed : 100

Mutations :

[Beauveria mordicana symbioticca] : A mutated strain of a very deadly and infectious fungus. Makes possessor immune to all diseases and poisons, grants +1 End, grants regenerative abilities.

[Beauveria mordicana armamini] : Both of your arms have regrown and become stronger than before! +4 DT against damage dealt towards them and +20% resistance against being crippled.

[Beauveria mordicana firmissimi anguli] : Enables user to manipulate their arms into a variety of shapes.

[Beauveria mordicana flagellum] : Enables user's arms to extend, stretch, and flex.

[Beauveria mordicana rasorium] : Enables user to form incredibly sharp blades on their arms.

[Beauveria mordicana duraferro] : User's arms become as hard as steel.

[Supernatural Resistance v1] : Alters the way the body interacts with matter, preventing any positive or negative interaction with Supernatural elements. This includes Psykers, Ghosts, Spirits, Gods, and Rabbits respectively depending on what tier the Mutation is.

Perks :

[Trigger Discipline], [Heavy Handed], [Rapid Reload], [Torture Techniques], [Educated], [John Wick Style], [Toughness], [Stonewall], [Sniper], [Bug Stomper], [Lord Death v3], [Spies Guise], [Quick Draw], [Adamantium Skeleton], [Ranger Tactics], [Ranger Targeting], [Ranger Awareness], [Mechanicus], [Jury Rigging], [SuperHot Block], [Solar Powered], [Miracle Maker], [Unnerving Presence], [Living Anatomy], [Agility Implant], [Masterful Movement], [Blur], [Uncivilized Weapon], [Rad Absorbtion], [Tough Guy], [Nuclear Friendly], [Explorer], [Eureka!], [Atomic!], [Grit], [Alertness], [Abominable v3], [Fight the Power!], [Tremble before me!], [Meltdown], [Explooo-sion!], [Lady Killer], [Big Brained], [Reinforced Spine], [Implant M-5], [Implant C-13], [Impant Y-7], [Cure for the Curious], [Perception Implant], [Endurance Implant], [Danger Sense], [A Pool of Dead], [Charisma Implant], [Intelligence Implant], [Luck Implant], [The Cyber Punk], [Luck of the Draw], [Second Apocalypse], [Stay the Path], [Bullet Time], [Freeza Style!], [Cat's Agility]

Companion Perks :

[Old Wisdom]


[Persistent Escapee]

[Still Jammn']

[Enhanced Sensors]


[A Penchant for Fisting]

[Pristine Shot]

[Regular Maintanance]