
Once Afton leaves the restaurant, he makes a semi-half hearted attempt to find Josie and Tamia. After not finding them in their usual haunts, he finally decides to bite the bullet and ask Glados. "I know you're watching, where did they go?" he asks seemingly no one.

"Subjects designated; Tamia, and Josie, left via teleportation to an unmarked spot in Freeside." Glados states.

Afton runs a hand through his hair, "Freeside? What could they want there?..." he mutters before shaking his head, "If they want to be alone then so be it, I've got other shit to worry about." he affirms to himself while making his way back to the Think Tank.

It wasn't like he didn't care or worry about them, but, he wasn't in the best state of mind to try and console Josie either. Plus the fact he was somewhat responsible for her being upset, and he'd rather stay away until she calms down.

Plus, it wasn't like anyone would be able to mess with them, Tamia and Josie were both pretty tough, add House's protections and his absolute control over Freeside and Afton didn't think there was a safer place outside of Big Mt.

Two days pass and Afton still hadn't seen either of them, House confirmed that they were safe and just enjoying their time in the strip, so he didn't worry about them all that much. Instead, he turned his full attention to the up and coming operation that was scheduled to be due in a couple hours.

He still needed to ask Anja on which option she'd prefer to take, fortunately, she and Juan (Scorpion-Man), were already waiting in the Think Tank lobby, anxiously waiting for the procedure.

Afton cracks his neck and steps out, drawing the duo's attention as he approaches them, "Yo, Anja, Juan, you guys are early." he easily greets.

Juan squeezes Anja's hand and nods, "We just want to make sure everything goes well." he states.

Afton smiles at their closeness but continues with what he came to do, "Yeah, about that. See, there are basically three options two guys have. You've already heard the first, getting Cybernetic eyes that'll function almost the same as your old ones... Probably better if I had to make a guess? But there is another procedure I'd like you to think about..." he trails off.

"What is it, sir?" Anja timidly asks, not having expected this.

Afton shrugs, "Well, I was wondering if you'd want to participate in another experimental procedure in the works..." he holds out his wrist and presents a holographic screen detailing everything the procedure would involve. "In layman's terms, we'd essentially be moving your brain to another body, one bred and designed to your liking... There are a few issues however, the first being that I have no idea how your Ghoul brain would react to a regular human body..." he explains.

Anja has an expression of wonder written across her face, but Juan goes pale as soon as Afton mentions the procedure... "Is something wrong?" Afton asks, unsure of Juan's reaction.

"N-No... It's just... These 'bodies', how customizable would they be?" he tentatively asks.

A knowing grin makes its way onto Afton's face, "Heh, if I really wanted to, I could create the first 'Futa Girl' the wasteland has ever seen... But I doubt you'd want to go that avenue... Maybe, say, a D cup?"


Juan looks confused for a moment before his face goes bright red, Anja's mimicking his as he splutters in response. "No! That's not what I mean... I... Will my condition harm her... You know, if she changes bodies." he asks

"Ah..." Afton murmurs, only now remembering what he'd told Juan in the past... That his body emitted radiation and was dangerous to all but himself and any other rad resistant person he'd meet, such as ghouls and some psykers... Oh, and his condition was a complete fabrication to force him to join Bulwark? Probably wouldn't be good to tell him the truth at this point... He'd hate to have to put the kid down.

As to whether it was possible to make the clone bodies rad resistant?.... Maybe? He hadn't actually considered it before, it was possible to mutate humans, but the results were often random. Though, with clones, it didn't really matter how many you fucked up in the process.

Afton shrugs, "It's possible, but might take a while to do... I'd recommend getting the cybernetic eye implants and see how it goes... Anja, if you want to try the other procedure, just let me or Glados know, we'll get to work on making a radiation-resistant body to your specifications.

Anja eagerly nods in response. She didn't mind her ghoul body, but being able to feel everything she had when she was fully human again would be amazing... Being a Ghoul dulls a lot of sensations, especially in places that'd suffered the most necrosis... Fingers, toes... Even her nipples had slowly rotted away... Plus, she'd like to give a pleasant surprise to Juan.

The man had been very accepting of her body, but she could see that he wasn't too keen on it. She couldn't blame him, she'd hesitate if his body started rotting away as well.

"Wait, what's the third option? You only gave us two..." Juan recalls.

Afton shrugs, "Not getting the procedure and waiting for something else to pop up... Not something I'd recommend, either with Anja's lifespan."

After discussing a few more bits and pieces with them, Afton decides to lead them into the laboratory. Their operation wasn't scheduled for another couple hours or so, but he could push it forward if he wanted to.

He leads them into the observation room where Dala and Usanagi were installing some Cybernetic eyes into a blind prisoner... Though, it was Dala who'd intentionally blinded him in the first place. The man was awake for it, but couldn't feel anything due to the cocktail of drugs pumped into him.