
Afton grumbles in pain from the incredibly hot floor, the BFG House had given him ha turned into molten slag next to him. Unsurprisingly giving off a rather ridiculous amount of radiation, empowering him and pushing more energy into his unwilling body.

Unfortunately for Afton, his work isn't even close to being complete... He wasn't able to just sit back and relax, as the massive spaceship was still overhead, and he wasn't sure if it could fire another shot or not...

Grumbling to himself, he gets up and starts running towards where the bunker is situated, wanting to say his 'last words' to his friends and daughter before he goes off on what might just be a suicide mission.

He reaches the bunker doors for a second time, and House's face appears again on the terminal, "Afton... Remind me, what did I say regarding the Lucky 38?" the man asks.

Afton frowns, "Look, it's either that getting destroyed or your bunker. I was barely hanging on as it is," he states, gesturing down at his ragged, scorched clothing that barely hung onto his body.

House sighs, "I know, but... The Lucky 38 was the centre of New Vegas, it was connected and controlled almost every system in the city.. Without it, rebuilding would be difficult." he states.

Afton shakes his head, "We can think about rebuilding when we stop the world-destroying aliens flying overhead." he retorts, "Listen, what I'm about to do is incredibly stupid, and I have no idea if I'll be coming back from it. Is Tamia there?" he asks, not wanting to know if Rose is away... He didn't want to tell her that he might not be here much longer, especially after she'd lost Josie as well.

House nods, the terminal flickering to Tamia's face, "What's this about 'Not coming back?' you dumb bastard!" she exclaims, looking as if she wanted to bury an axe in his crotch.

"We don't really have a choice Tamia! If I don't get rid of those aliens then we're all fucked. They want to kill us all and claim the planet for themselves!"

"But what about Rosie!? She just lost her mother, are you going to tell her what you're telling me!? There has to be another way, Afton!" Tamia angrily states.

Afton chews his lip, "What other way could there be Tamia? None of our weapons work, the Orbital Lasers are out of energy, and we probably only have a couple days before the Aliens unleash a full-scale invasion!"

Tamia's expression becomes more and more downtrodden as he lays out just how fucked they are. Yet, she continues to shake her head and refuse his decision. "You can't do this!"

"You don't seem to understand. I've already decided to do it, I just wanted to ask you to look after Rosie, if worst comes to worst... Do you understand?"

Tamia just reluctantly nods, looking as if she had more to say, but Afton doesn't allow her to and just leaves. Sprinting out of New Vegas and headed back to Big Mt, to ready the rather stupid plan that he'd formed.

Luckily, once he left New Vegas, the large alien spaceship didn't stay over New Vegas, allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief. It doesn't take long for him to arrive back at Big Mt, Afton quickly getting a change of clothes while talking to Glados' drone.

"Glados, that half-built satellite, can it be launched into space?" he asks, obviously wanting to shoot himself at the largest alien ship.

"Launch sequence can be initiated, the satellite would still be inoperable however." Glados explains.

Afton nods, "Alright, get it ready then..." he states, putting on thin yet durable biomesh clothing. Afterwards heading to the armoury to retrieve the weapons which might work against the aliens.

Sonic Emitter, Check.

Ultra-Chainsword, Check.

Railgun, Check.

Honestly, Afton was tempted to try and modify his Power armour so he could use it with his new strength, but it would probably just melt due to the heat caused by air resistance as he tried to leave the atmosphere.

Plus the fact it would prevent him from using his mutations and Perks like [Diamond Skin]... The only thing it might be useful for was providing him oxygen... But his Perks like [Freeza Style!] would allow him to fight for a good enough amount of time, as well as letting him survive the vacuum.

No, the only thing he does is overcharge the Railgun, this would severely limit its ammunition and durability, but might allow it to penetrate the alien fighter's shields.

He releases a sigh and looks up at the sky, wondering if this would work or not. "Glados, if I die up there, I give you permission to Activate the Skynet protocol... Just, protect Rosie if it comes to that, alright?"

"Affirmative, father." Glados says, her voice somehow sounding solemn.

With that, Afton gears up and heads straight towards the launch site, where the satellite had already been prepared... This had intended to be another Orbital Laser, but obviously, it wouldn't be much help in its current half-built state.

He climbs the structure and tucks himself into a crevice, not having any way to get inside due to these projects usually being unmanned. Instead, he just uses his roots to shield himself from outside elements.

"Glados! Start the launch!"

"Affirmative! Launch sequence initiated, all unauthorized personnel are required to clear the area... Sattelite launch beginning in, 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0.5..."

"JUST LAUNCH IT!" Afton shouts, feeling as if Glados was playing one last prank.

"0." she finishes. And the thrusters of the rocket begin in full, Afton finds himself stuck against the metal of the satellite from the sheer g-force caused by the sudden acceleration.