Chapter I - A Visit from a Friend

5 Years Later

"Wake up, honey! You're going to be late," Chelsea reminded her sleeping daughter.

She shook Rebecca but she was just shoved off by the girl who whined and groaned to her mother. Chelsea sighed and tried to wake up her daughter but this time with a warning tone.

"Get up from there, young lady or you're going to face the horrifying tickle monster!" She loudly and clearly said for Rebecca.

The girl immediately got up but instead of standing up, being clumsy like her mother, she started rolling down the floor. "Mommy! Don't startle me with that! You know I hate tickles," Rebecca complained and grunted to the situation.

"No more complaining, now, eat your breakfast in the kitchen and after that take a shower," Chelsea said, helping her to stand up from laying on the floor.

Rebecca huffed but she followed her mother's orders. "Don't give me that, missy! You're going to be late," Chelsea said looking at her daughter sharply and when Rebecca left the room, Chelsea sighed again.

She fixed Rebecca's bed and after that, she went to the kitchen to see if her daughter was eating. Chelsea saw that her daughter enjoyed the food, so, she decided to join her. The breakfast was just simple pancakes with chocolate syrup and butter above it and accompanied with a chocolate drink or a tea.

"You didn't tell me about your practice yesterday. How did it go?" Chelsea asked curiously about the events that her daughter experienced.

You see, after Rebecca's five years of schooling, the girl became interested in performing arts and grown to love acting, singing, and dancing. As a supportive mother Chelsea is, she questioned her daughter about joining theater arts in her school. Rebecca instantly agreed to audition when she became 9 years old. She wanted her daughter to enhance the talent she was given and gave her a dream that's possible for her to achieve.

"Mr. Severn was a little bit strict yesterday, and it was tiring but at the same time enjoyable," Rebecca said looking at her mother with a mix of honesty and joy in her eyes.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it but don't overwork yourself, okay?" Chelsea said, worried that Rebecca's little body can't handle much work.

"Ok, mommy, and I'm a big girl now," the girl said with determination in her. "I can do more and hard works!" she exclaimed.

Chelsea proudly looked at her. A brave girl she has and loves to take a challenge, how she wished she would stay like this when she has grown old. 9 years old and ready to fight the outcomes that waiting for her, it almost made Chelsea cry, realizing her baby is growing.

She watched Rebecca scooped her last food. "Get washed, I already prepared your uniform on your bed," Chelsea informed her and with that, her daughter walked towards the way of her bathroom.

Chelsea busied herself by cleaning the dishes. Later on, she checked the time and saw that it's 7:32 AM at the clock. Rebecca should be in school at 7:55 AM, 'I hope there's no traffic,' Chelsea thought knowing that her hope is empty, it means traffic is everywhere.

She went to Rebecca's room and saw her daughter was dressed, "Mommy? Can you fix my hair?" Rebecca suddenly said to her.

"Of course, honey, just sit steady," she instructed Rebecca and decided to do a pigtail to her hair. "There..." she said, done with her work. "Let mommy get dress, okay?" she said to her daughter who nodded back at her.

Since she had already showered, she only needed to pick appropriate clothes, just simple and comfortable. She picked a soft white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, and black pants. Chelsea liked to cover her whole body and with a jacket, she felt cool, even though she knew that it was lame.

She heard Rebecca's soft step, "Are you ready?" Chelsea asked and her daughter then nodded. "Let me carry your bag," Rebecca lift her bag towards her mother for her to get it.

Rebecca was dress in a cute simple uniform, a white blouse with a red bow placed on her neck, and a purple knee-length skirt. She also has worn black shoes with white high knee socks and a pigtail placed in her head that Chelsea made earlier.

They went out and Chelsea locked the door. Stepping forward, they began to walk to the car and get into it. Rebecca is at the back and Chelsea is in the driver's seat. They traveled quietly with jazz music occupying the silence.

After 14 mins, they had arrived in front of the school, thankfully for Chelsea, there's not much traffic. Chelsea helped her daughter get down the car and put the bag behind Rebecca. She looked at her wrist watched and saw that it was 8:51 AM.

"Do your best," Chelsea said kneeling down to look at her daughter with a genuine smile displaying on her face. "Now go, you're going to be late," She continued releasing Rebecca. "Mommy loves you!" Chelsea shouted when Rebecca was in the far distance.

"See you later, mommy! Love you too!!" Rebecca shouted louder than her, getting attention from other parents and children.

She waited until she can't see a part of her daughter. She began to drive back and started to do her work, continuing to write her novel.

She was sitting in her office writing when suddenly her telephone rang. "Hello? Mrs. Collins' speaking," Chelsea formally said to the line.

"Cheelll, how ya doing?" the man greeted on the other line.

"Hey, Tom. Just doing some works and all, Reb's at school, so I do works. Why did you call?" Chelsea replied casually realizing that she was talking to a friend and at the same time confused about his abrupt call.

"Oh! Can a friend just greet someone dear to him?" the man named Tom dramatically remarked.

"I know you... So, what do you want?" Chelsea rolled her eyes at him but a small smile was on her lips. She leaned her back in her chair and focused on talking to the man.

"Ummm, Can I go there? I want to check your recent work," he said hesitating saying the right words.

"Why do I feel that that was not your reason?" She said giving him a chance to say the truth and arched her right eyebrow.

"Ok, ok. It's so damn boring in here!" he exclaimed with irritation at the situation. "An- and... I want to eat your special cooking..." he continued timidly like a child getting caught doing something bad.

Chelsea laughed at this. Thomas really loves food, who doesn't? Old habits die hard...

"Don't laugh at me, woman! I know it's silly, I'm really really really boreedddd!!! You're only my friend and you must save me from this hellish boredom!" Tom said, seemed like he had been possessed by different spirits that have different personalities.

"You can go here, just behave when Reb is here. I don't want your influence on her," she said jokingly and ready to laugh.

"My influence?!" Tom said shockingly. "I have been said that I'm good," he continued, proving that he hadn't a negative influence.

"You really believed them?" Chelsea said teasingly.

Tom huffed and followed by Chelsea's loud laughter.

"Imma end this now, better be prepared going there. See ya later, Chel! Bye!" He suddenly cut the line and Chelsea gave the phone an offending look.

"I'm going to smack him when he gets here," she said to no one and was determined to do the action.

Chelsea continued to write until she lost herself in the world of imagination. A sudden sound of a bell echoed around her and she realized that Tom was already here. 'That was fast,' she thought.

She went to the door and opened it. She saw Tom smiling widely at her poker face, he was shocked when she suddenly hit his head.

"What was that for?!" Tom shouted while he massaged his head.

"You suddenly cut the line, I'm not done talking to you yet," she said pointedly looking at him.

"Well, I'm here now, you can say it now," he said with mirth behind his voice.

Chelsea grunted and break her stare. "Nevermind," she said wanting to change the topic. "I forgot," she whispered quietly facing his foot, ashamed of the latter statement.

"What was that?" Tom leaned to her, hoping to hear something in her.

"Nothing," she said now facing bravely to his friend. Then, her friend burst into laughter. "What?" Chelsea uttered, confused about him.

"I know that look! You forgot!!" he said with an in-fact tone.

Chelsea's cheeks turn red from shame and irritation. "Ok, enough of that. Are you going inside or stay here?" she said changing the topic, getting tired from his full of energy self.

Chelsea enter the house and attempted to close the door. "Oi, wait up! Why are you mad? You know I'm always joking, right?" Tom said seriously while his feet blocked the way of the door.

"Yeah, I'm just embarrassed," she said guiltily and opened the door for Tom to enter.

"I missed this place," he said looking around and examine the place. He inhaled deeply and noticed something different. "Did you changed your air freshener?" Tom asked her.

"Nope, I bought new lavender plants," she said. She looked at the wall clock and was shocked by the time. It read 11:26. "You said that you're going to check my recent work?" she asked and he nodded. "It's in my office on the table, while you do that, I'm starting to cook for lunch," she informed him and earn a smile from Tom.

"That's a great idea, just make me foods," he said to Chelsea while he made a movement rubbing his tummy. "This baby will be hungry after a long ass reading," then he started to march towards her office.

Tom didn't fail Chelsea in the field of laughter. He was always there giving her smile and joy aside from her daughter. When they first met, Chelsea saw him as a diva and a fun person to be with. Not knowing that they will be working together, Chelsea didn't know what to do especially around new people, she will end up like a clown in front of them. So, she didn't talk when it's not necessary. Tom grew tired of this and talk about the matter, from then on they became friends and support each other. She made a story and he edited her works. He even met her husband, her Esmond.

Chelsea prepared the ingredients and then started cooking, she decided to cook fried boneless spicy chicken and added toasted bread with orange juice for the drinks. After she finished cooking and preparing their food. She shouted Tom's name for him to know that lunch is ready.

The man came running like a child having their birthday present open. "The smell reached from the office! I can't wait to have it in my tummy!" He said excitedly and looked drooling over the food. "Are you ready baby? Papa will feed you," he said talking to his tummy.

Chelsea shook her head to her crazy friend. They sat and started to eat, Tom moaning loudly while Chelsea quite enjoyed the result of her cooking. "So, what did you think of it?" Chelsea asked him related to her story.

"Ha? What?" Tom said confusingly and looking at her with dazed eyes.

"About my works, what's your opinion?" Chelsea said and chuckle at her friend's action.

"It was great! Some were confusing and have a little mistake but overall, it was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!" he said still a little bit dazed.

"Is this 'amazing' connected to the food?" Chelsea said eyeing Tom.

"YES! Ahhh... mmmm..." he moaned or grunted.

'Oh my... I can't believe I'm witnessing this!' she thought while she gaped at her friend looking like he was having a foodgasm.

"Tom... Tom! TOM! Snap out of it!" Chelsea shouted and Tom came back from reality.

"Yes, Chel?" he said like nothing just happened earlier and arched an eyebrow at her.

"A- Um- E... Never mind," she said having a hard time collecting her words then, she sighed, ready to utter her words. "What's your evaluation of my story?" she said staring intently at the other.

"I found some parts fascinating the ones I read, of course, there are some mistakes but I estimated it will be counted to a maximum of 30. The character development was also great which I loved and the flow was clear and smooth. So, when will you finalized this?" he said switching to his formal self.

"I intended to finalize it at the end of the year, well, it's already September," she said truthfully. Tom nodded agreeing to her decision.

"How did you make this delicious food! The savory, the juiciness, and the texture of this toast, simply perfect!" he said getting back at his normal self.

Chelsea sighed and answer his question. "I experimented with most of my dishes. I also got bored in my own home aside from writing, I also love to cook."

"Wow... How did you do that without exploding and burning things!?" he said with disbelief that clearly shown in his face.

"I estimated it? I think luck also comes with me," she said smirking at Tom. He frowned hearing this.

"I have no luck in my life, woman," he said seriously then followed by a laugh.

Chelsea laugh also and checked at the time. Her eyes got big discovering that it was 1:24 PM. Rebecca will be out at her school at 2:00 PM. She finished her food in a brisk and got up to get prepared.

"Oi, where are you going?" Tom asked her.

"I'm going to get Reb. Can you stay here?" Chelsea said with pleading eyes.

"Oh come on, how can I resist that? And I'm also not finished reading your work," he said still eating his food.

Chelsea nodded to say that she understands and left to went to her room. She fixed herself and after that, she went out to get in the car and drove to the school.

She parked near in front of the school and got out for Rebecca to be able to see her easily. It was already 1:56 PM. She waited for a while and saw a familiar dark brown hair in pigtails running towards her. Rebecca hugged her mother while Chelsea kissed her daughter on the left cheek.

"Your Uncle Tom came to visit earlier," Chelsea informed her daughter.

"Really?! I missed Uncle Tom!" Rebecca said excitedly from the news she learned.

"Now, let's go home to see your Uncle," Chelsea said while Rebecca nodded to her.

They drove back to their home and Rebecca immediately come out of the car when Chelsea had parked it, then, ran towards the house.

"Uncle Tom!" Rebecca shouted and then in her view, she saw a tall man smiling at her. "Uncle Tom!!" She jumped towards him, making Tom startle and he started gently rubbing her back.

"My beautiful favorite niece! Reb!" He loudly stated and put Rebecca back to the ground. He kneeled down and started pinching her cheeks. "What a cute little princess you are," he said smiling at her.

"Stoppp! Uncleee!" Rebecca whined and this made Tom stop.

"Reb, take a shower first then you can talk and play with your Uncle," Chelsea condition to her daughter.

"Ok, mommy," Rebecca followed her mother without an argument.

Rebecca left the two adults in the living room and went to her room to get freshen up.

"How are you and Reb holding?" Tom said looking at Chelsea's eyes sincerely.

"She always tells me that she missed her daddy, I too miss him but I need to be strong for her," Chelsea looked down at the floor, feeling the sorrow she didn't want. Water formed above her eyes but it didn't fall.

"Time will only tell, Chel. I'm here to help and support the two of you, you know that," with Tom's message, Chelsea smiled at him and he smiled back at her. He hugged her with tightness and warmness he could give her, to tell that he really meant what he said.

"I know that and thank you," Chelsea said after they break their hugs and smiled faintly at him. "I'm finished! Uncle's time now!!!" Rebecca shouted and dragged his uncle towards the couch place in the living room.

"That was fast!" Tom said unconsciously.

"Mommy, can we watch a movie together with uncle? Prettyyy pweaseeee..." Rebecca gave her best puppy dog eyes, pleading to get what she wants.

Chelsea agreed and got some snacks for them to enjoy their afternoon cinema. They watched and enjoyed the film Rebecca chose. Eating their snacks and sometimes throwing at each other. It was just a pleasant day to have.