Chapter 10

Toame's sleep was fitful at best. Visions of Bayla and Lily haunted his dreams. Suddenly the old elf appeared to his mind and told him to relax. His voice seemed to calm him. He allowed his dreams to have their way with him. He found himself standing in the rose garden with Bayla. She stood before him surrounded by cascades of colors put forth by each individual rose. He could barely take it all in; it was so breath taking. She opened her arms to welcome him into her. He ran into her arms and fell into the cabin where Lily lay sleeping. He felt as if he could touch her. Then he heard a woman's voice whispering in an ancient language. "Slav it gah, mia Toame. Slav it gah." He turned to face the voice and found Bayla standing in the room with him. He tried to open his mouth in response but she placed her fingers on his lips to silence him. "Behold your bride, dear Toame. Behold your bride." She repeated in his own tongue. He remained silent in her presence unable to move. "I shall remember your promise to me, young elf. My freedom lies in your hands. She removed her necklace and placed it in his hand. "This will help protect you in your time of need. Joined with Lily, there can be no defeat. Guard her well for she is our last hope." She closed his hand around the necklace and said "Mirami" He awoke with a start. He was in his room, alone. He took a deep breath in an effort to slow his heartbeat as it felt as if it could burst out of his chest. He placed his hand to his chest and realized he was holding on to something. He looked at the object with surprise and wonder. It was a necklace. It was silver and bore a small charm of a rosebud. 'It was her!' he thought. 'I really saw her.' He smiled to himself and laid back and fell into a peaceful sleep.