This ought to be an illness
This tendency to fall fake faint
The redundancy of my false well being
I'm sure I'm sick
A different type of sick
The current medical devices
Fail to diagnose my sickness
It's all in my head?
I don't think so.
But I know I'm not okay
Or maybe it's a different type of okay
The type of okay that smiles
When I'm hurting inside
The type of okay
that gently Pat's your head
When all I want is to bash your head in
The type of okay that makes my laughter sound like wails
The type of okay
That mirrors everything I should be
Everything I should do
And everything the world wants to see
This world that refuses to accept that I'm not okay
I can't be okay
For all that is good and all that is holy
I can not be not okay
Because everything is there that should be able to make me happy
How amusing
If that was it
Why then am I not okay
You choose to see what you want to see
If the picture doesn't fit your lens then it's wrong
It's a flaw
Shouldn't exist
Why can't you just accept it
Why do I even bother?
Because of all this
i pretend to be fine
You see the illusion am forced to make
That's your acceptable truth
But when you get a glimpse of my despair
I have personality problems?
I don't wish for your help
That's a pipe dream
I know my reality
I will not shove myself
into deeper levels of despair
by wishing for the impossible
I would rather have realistic expectations
I live with this sickness
That's my reality
Everyday the border of my sanity is tested
It's hard
Pretending everything is okay
One day I just might set hail to the wind
You won't know what hit you
Nor will you understand
By then
I bet
My sanity
would be long gone