
Dale began his day waking up at noon as usual, just staring up at the ceiling listlessly. "What am I going to do today? Maybe play a game or two, maybe read" He thought to himself. He sighed heavily and rolled himself out of bed but not before feeling a slight pain in his chest. He faintly grunted as he grabbed at his chest. This has been happening a lot recently although it was a minor discomfort, he did not think much about it. He just went on with his day without telling anyone in his family "I don't want to worry anyone" he thought.

He walked to his computer and hit the power button. While the computer booted up, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and do his business before really starting his day of sitting on his ass. Once he did his thing in the bathroom, he went back to his bedroom to find that his computer was ready to go.

Many hours later around 8:00 PM he got bored of the strategy game that he was playing and scrolled through his list of games. Nothing interested him because he had completed all of them to 100%. He had done everything he could do in them and he found that because there was nothing left to discover there was no meaning in continuing to play them. There were many multiplayer games that he had as well, but he disliked playing them as of late without anyone he knew playing alongside him. As he looked online at the chat servers ("all empty") it would seem he would not be playing any of these games either. So instead he opened up a web browser and found some videos to watch.

One of the recommended videos brought back a flood of memory's, what he was looking at was a video titled "Walking with Dinosaurs". Dale adored dinosaurs when he was younger, and he still did but he could not name as many as he used to. He loved to think about the huge creatures walking about currently and how it would affect our world today if they were not wiped out. He wanted to be a paleontologist one day just so he could get closer to some of the remnants of these mighty creatures. But sadly, those dreams filtered away as he grew a bit older after realizing the field of such study was declining and there was not much pay in it either.

He hit the play button and began watching. . .. an hour passed by and he was still watching but it soon ended. He was not sad though because there was another film that was made that was quite similar in nature to "Walking with Dinosaurs" and it was called "Walking with Monsters" on the side waiting for him to pull up and watch. This film talked about the creatures that came before the dinosaurs and it was just as good as the other film. Another hour passed by as with another great film.

Once he saw the credits start to roll up the screen, he turned his eyes to the bottom right of the screen to see the time, it read 11:30 PM. He yawned and shrugged ("I think I'll read something and then I will go to bed"). He closed the other video tabs he had on his computer and then it hit him again, that pain in his chest was back and a bit worse than before. It did not last long although it lasted longer than the last time it happened, Dale was now seriously considering calling his doctor and setting an appointment up. But it would have to wait for tomorrow though because no would answer at this time.

("No helping it, back to the hunt for material to read"). Fantasy was Dales poison now. He latched onto the genre when he was in a more depressed point in his life ("High school days specifically"). It helped him cope with the problems he was dealing with and it helped him now. He has been having trouble finding anything good to read lately so he turned to rereading one of his favorites which was called "Overlord".

He got through part one, then two, and finally he stopped on three because it was much too late at 3:30. He closed his laptop and got to the side of his bed to plug it in to the charger, he laid it down on the floor as the light lit up indicating that it was charging properly. ("Time for some sleep") he thought as he threw the blanket over himself. As he drifted off to sleep one last thought passed through his head ("I wonder what I am going to do tomorrow?"). But that thought was his last on this world because that pain in his chest was something serious Pulmonary embolism [A blood clot in the lungs]. He died in his sleep without ever seeing the light of the next day.

This might be the end for him here, but he is about to start a journey he will never forget.