The large doors in-front of me were open wide but for some reason I could not see anything that was inside. I hesitated to go in only for a minute or two before I walked through the door way. Once through the entrance the doors behind me closed shut as silently as they opened.
You know what, I am not that surprised that they closed on me, I mean they opened on their own why would they not close on their own. Well now let me see what we have here.
Before me was a vast open space, it was like looking out over an empty stadium in all directions. As my vision adjusted to the low light environment that was the inside of this big fucking tree I was able to make out more of my surroundings. The walls to my left and right were lined with what looked like upside down mushrooms (my guess is their equivalent of lamps), the walls themselves had elaborate patterns and murals that showed people (which I assume would be elves) and the tree looking people that I found out in the fields.
The same patterns that adorned the wall were on the floor as well but unlike the wall the floor was much more . . . how should I say . . . complicated. Little lines and roots intertwined to make hundreds of thousands of small patterns everywhere I looked. I had to look up and away from the floor before I got dizzy from the intensity of it all.
This is really something else. I wonder how long it took for this tree to grow or just how people managed to make the inside of this tree like this. Time to go deeper.
I began to walk forward toward what I would assume to be the heart of the tree, unless it did not have one seeing as how all of this place is hollow. But after a minute or two I was able to see the outline of a pillar in the distance. As I got closer to it I began to notice something . . . bodies.
On the way to this central pillar the floor was littered with bodies. At first it was just a couple but the next thing I knew there were piles of bodies in all directions. Many of them were similar to the bodies that I found out in the fields when I first got here, while others were a bit different. There seemed to be bodies of elves rapped in roots attached to the floor (This was not how I thought I would first encounter them but oh well). Unlike all the bodies that had been piled up these elves were aligned in neat rows around the piles.
I approached one of them and they were the picture perfect representation of the elves in my mind. Nice features all around, very long pointed ears, fair skin, as well as long flowing hair. That is what I could tell from just the head poking out from the roots that were entwined around the body.
I reached out a claw to touch the cheek of this elf to find that the skin held warmth and although I did not notice it at first, this elf was actually breathing! I immediately went over to the next body to the right of the first one and it was the same, pale skin, warm to the touch and a very faint breath.
How the hell did all this happen? I would love some answers right about now. Fuuuu, I just need to keep moving just standing here solves nothing.
As I left behind the seemingly sleeping elves and the piles of bodies, everything started to become more organized, there were even knew types of wood people to. There were rows upon rows of standing tree people bigger than the small ones that were in piles before, and just a little bigger than me. They stood together shoulder to shoulder in lines, sometimes it was 5 in a line other times it was 10. One thing that was consistent among all of them was the fact that their legs and feet were rooted into the floor and they all had the same dull ash like color of the corpses that were piled up in mounds.
Just to test it, I went over to one of them and touched the arm of one. Just like I was expecting it crumbled to dust the moment my claw made contact. As well as the other ones that were standing next to it as well. One thing did remain of them and that was their ingrained roots which were once legs.
I just shook my head and looked at my destination. I was not that far now, I could see the looming pillar that I believe to be the center of this tree. I hope there will be some answers there.
Along I went passing by hundreds and hundreds of more wood people before finally I was at the pillar. It was like a rising wood skyscraper which I could not see the top and around it stood giants. But not your normal giants per say, it be more apt to call them large ents. At least that is the way I would categorize them.
These ents standing before me, tall and still, had a variety of shapes and sizes. Not all of them were really tall some were shorter (compared to the really tall ones) and fatter, some were thin and lanky, some had many arms and legs branching out . . . get it.
While I was observing these big tree people something was observing me. I could feel something, like when someone is intently staring at you. It was just a hunch but I knew something or someone was watching me. Guess my presence sense skill is coming in handy. This only began when I was close to the pillar and the ents themselves. At first I thought it was the ents and I did my certified "has not failed once" test on them and poked em.
Each and everyone of them was as solid as a rock. They did not move an inch after I touched them. Looking closer at them, some still had some color on their bark like skin while others were losing said color. Even after this attempt the feeling still followed me for several more minutes, until it began to make me nervous. That is when it happened. A voice low and slow entered my mind.
"Young . . . One . . . Welcome to . . . The Heart . . . Come . . . Let us . . . Talk" (Unknown)
As if by magic, on the pillar a large section split into thousands of small vines and parted like curtains inviting me in.
Time for some answers.