On My Way Home . . . .

I wanted to get back to my home so to speak as fast as possible but I just could not help myself in wandering a little. Its not like I will get lost, I marked up several trees on my path here so I know where to go as well as the fact that my nose is really sensitive not just because I can smell nearly everything around me like I was inches away for it but I can smell myself, and oh boy, is that a smell. I am able to trace my own scent back to where I originally came from.

Form what I found and noticed around the edge of the dying wood there were many places that had differences in the surrounding plant life. Only 20 minutes of walking in one direction would land me in an area with palm trees, short grass, and tropical like fruit plants. I tried one just to see if I might be able to eat any of them and my body flat out rejected it. I ended up with an emptier stomach then I already had.

Going back, and instead going the opposite direction from where the palms were I ended up in a swamp after 30 minutes where I saw some new creatures non threatening and some that I rather not mess with. There were many large frogs that sat half submerged in the murky water and lazed about not minding me in the least when I walked by. I saw another one of those SUV sized turtles although this one looked a lot nastier than the other one, I would equate it to looking more like a snapping turtle than a tortoise. There were a variety of large birds as well as bats that seemed to be sleeping while hanging upside down on some of the tree branches that I passed on my little excursion.

Then we come to the dangerous bits. While walking around I came upon a feeding scene, something had managed to kill a frog or two and was devouring them. It was about the same size as I currently am but it had a much longer snout, it also had a slight fin and or sail that extended off its back by a foot or two that went down its body. It had similar forelimbs as I did although just a tad beefier and lastly its tail was tapered to a paddle like end. I would say that this is the closest thing to a spinosaurus that I will ever see and what a beauty it is.

Of course the supposed spinosaurus was going to notice a similarly large predator standing not to far away from it and staring, I would to. It backed a few steps away from the corpses opened its mouth and roared at me. Hey its not like I need that food, you can have it, besides I do not feel like fighting right now not like I would in the first place. I backed away slowly keeping my eye on it the whole time to make sure he would not come after me. Once I was good ways away I turned around and started walking again. I could here another roar from behind me but it was quieter then before, guess it is happy that it scared me off.

The other danger was a snake and no it was not giant like every other thing in this mess of a forest I call home. It was small only as big as your normal rat snake but the color of it was an ominous dark shade of purple and it had a red dot on its head. I would say that would be a big indicator that it is poisonous the second would have to be the partially liquefied and blue dead frog next to it. One more thing I saw the snake bit the frog it took only 15 seconds for it to die another 30 to start dissolving around the bitten area and the last 15 for it to turn blue, the frog was a dark brown to begin with by the way.

After seeing that I got the hell out of there as fast as I could and back to where my original path was, I was not going to run into or god forbid get bitten by one of those things. I know I have status resistance major but I don't think that includes liquefaction.

Alright now its time to actually head home, I hope those snakes only live in that area otherwise I might not be able to sleep well anymore.


I don't think I am that far from the mound now, it feels like I am coming back after a long vacation. A very weird dreary vacation but a vacation none the less. First thing I am going to do is strike one or two of those things off of my to do list and then maybe take a nap or something.

A while later I arrive back to my mound to find . . . broken egg shells, other holes in the mound and a bunch of monitor lizards . . . ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I immediately run and jump on one of the lizards heads crushing it with a splat. The other 6 or so lizards see this and make a run for it but not before I grab 2 in my claws and the last one in my mouth biting it in half. I squeeze the others and pop them like grapes. I am mad right now, I was looking forward to seeing if I might have any siblings, I just wanted to know I was not really alone god damn it.

I should have killed that inquisitive lizard the first time it showed itself here. No use beating myself up over it now though whats done is done, but I will give a moment of silence for my fallen unhatched brothers and or sisters . . . . . . alright back to the daily toil.