Hunting and Sprung Trap

Deep in the shrub land there is a good-sized pile of corpses in a small clearing, some of them small some big. Many of them were of the same type as each other but some differed greatly. Something stood over the pile seemingly happy with itself, maybe one could say proud even.

Actively hunting is surprisingly fun. I get to sneak around, find something to fight and I get a reward in the form of a level after a while. I think I might be able to do this forever. But first I need to tally up my kill count so far. 16 goblins, 14 knolls, 2 giant deer and one new creature. (I tried eating the deer just to see if it tasted good, but I ended up throwing up. I guess my taste buds will never change to this body in the end).

The new creature happened to be a huge insect. It was either a centipede or a millipede I don't know really, but it had strong chitin plating as well as large pincers. It sprayed this liquid at me multiple times (which I expertly dodged by the way) that melted the nearby plants like they were nothing. I ended up touching the stuff after I had killed the darn thing and I ended up with a burn mark on my foot. Sadly, I need to level up again for me to get it healed, for the time being I will just have to deal with this.

I have covered a good bit of ground today to hunt down all these creatures especially those deer. I never thought they wandered out alone away from their herds and man were they fast I had to chase them for a couple hours each until they exhausted themselves. Something I noticed is that not even one of the creatures I killed had a crystal in their chest like the leaders of the goblins and knolls had. I would like to find more of them, but I think they might just be to rare for me to find. I just got lucky at that time; I will have to do some better searching to get my claws on one again.

I have been coming across more old traps lately set up on pathways and in clearings. That's how I was able to get a few easy kills during the day, some knolls and goblins set them off and had their legs snapped or just separated from their bodies entirely. They were easy pickings, I got to thank whatever hunter came here, they are making my leveling a bit easier. The odd thing about some of those traps is that they are not very rusty as I have come to realize and that many of them were set up on paths that never had them before. Which begs the question where are these hunters? Just another thing I will have to keep an eye and ear out for.

In the distance the sun was setting, and the stars and moons were coming into view. I thought to myself I will continue to hunt into the night and on till morning then I will stop.


Alright this is either the most obvious trap I have ever seen in my life or it's just some torture that those knolls are dishing out to some goblins they captured. In front of me there are 4 goblins tied to a large wooden stake that was driven into the ground. All of them were bruised and battered one was even missing their arm which was bandaged over heavily although not enough to stop it from dripping blood every few seconds or so.

What brought me to this location in the first place was the smell of blood. Usually, blood around here means one of two things, either there is fighting happening or some fighting has ended. That is when I come in between or after said fight and maul all parties.

I am not one to shy away from 4 bags of XP, but it is just too obvious. Since my nose is working on overdrive now, I can smell many things like the goblins over there and the smell of wet dog (usually knolls), and there is something else as well which I have not smelled before which makes me think it was the ones who did this, i.e., the hunters. Or maybe some other terrestrial intelligent lifeforms like gobs and knolls, I am just tossing ideas out there just to try to make sense of what's going on here. The threat here is not high unless there are a bunch of hunters around waiting for their "bait" to be taken.

The fact is that nothing around here has really been able to hurt me besides the acid from that bug, and the antlers form those deer. When I encountered the goblins today, they were all together, I decided to take them head on and showed myself instead of sneaking up on them. Surprisingly none of their weapons hurt me much at all if anything when an old sword hit me (which did not look dull at all) it felt like I was hit with a foam noodle.

If I were to go in and it happens to just be some monsters who set this up, I won't have any problems with killing them all. The big issue is if its people, what will I do if they show up? I don't think I am ready to kill people just yet (or ever for that matter). I am kinda shaking just thinking about it. I was never good with confrontation in my other life, but now that I am here . . . damn these moral dilemmas. Screw it I want the XP now, so I am going to take it let's just hope nothing or more monsters show up. I am better at taking things as they come anyway.


Not so far away from there clearing within ear shot of where the goblins were set up 2 people from the group were there on watch for the night just in case something showed up.

"Hey why are we stuck on watch right now?" (Man3)

"We lost the bet we made." (Man4)

"We did not lose the bet. Those two just changed the rules mid-way through." (Man3)

"Not really. You did say that this plan would not attract anything, and if it did you would sit here and watch for the next night or two." (Man4)

"One wolf, ONE WOLF. That is all that has appeared since we set it up and it even took one of the goblins arms." (Man3)

"That is something. So, you lost, if anything you should thank me for tagging along so you don't have to sit out here alone." (Man4)

Just then a scream rang out, then it was silenced. Followed by 3 more screams and then nothing. Both men looked in the direction of the screams (the trap) and then back at each other. Nothing was needed to be said, one ran back in the direction of the camp and the other went towards where the goblins were and what he would find there would be nothing like what he had seen before.