Answers part 1

I have been pulling on this rope for a long time and I have accumulated quite a bit of slack. Piled next to, behind, and in front of me are piles of coiled rope that I have gathered from pulling on the rope. How am I able to keep all this rope by me you ask? Well of course it's by using my trusty second-half course! It's my ship in this endless void; in a sense.

It's nice that I have a goal here otherwise I might not have been able to stand this space again. I had the time to think about it and it came back to me while pulling. That was the existential dread I felt in this space the last time I was here alone. Now it is not so bad. I have a task and I have a companion by my side (although they are not able to say anything). I guess it could be worse (I need to stop thinking like this).


A while later . . .

Alright, I do not know where to put any more of this rope. There is just too much at this point. Wait a minute, what's that?

Following the rope into the distance I could see the outline of . . . something. It was quite small and it had a slight glow around it. It was the only object that I could see in this space besides me and my other half, as well as the rope of course. I did not have the enhanced vision I did before in my other body otherwise, I might have been able to make out what it is. Let's just hope it is a way out of here or some solution to this mess I got myself into.


In only a small period of time, I was able to quickly pull myself toward what looked like a large spherical object with a small cube in front of it, and as I continued to get closer I became aware that the rope I was pulling on was connected to the sphere. I got to a distance where I could probably yell at it and stopped.

I could make out some features of both of the objects. The sphere was extremely textured and I felt that the more I stared at it the more it changed. It was as if I was staring into a fractal that is constantly morphing. But before I could get a look at the cube, both objects moved and they moved towards me.

"Hmm, now, this is certainly surprising." (Unidentified)

"Uh who is speaking right now and what exactly are you?" (MC)

"Now, how many times have I heard that question. Could you not come up with something else like "How are you?" or perhaps "Whoever you are ya got some explaining to do." I guess it is hard to expect new conversation starters after so long." (Unidentified)

"Uh, sorry, I guess, but all this is just too strange for me. Are you the cube or the sphere by any chance? If possible I would like to know if I am dead." (MC)

Both the objects lowered themselves to my eye level and began to orbit around me slowly. Only then did I hear the voice again.

"Apology accepted, and to answer your other questions, yes as well as no. You could say that I am both the objects you see around you, but they are only something I manifest to connect to the physical world and to those I have gifted a bit of myself to. Otherwise, I am nothing but an intangible mass of energy. Also, you are not dead but there is a good chance of it happening." (Unidentified)

"Ok I am sort of understanding what your saying but what do you mean that I am not dead yet. I am in the near exact space I found myself in when I died before, the only difference is this." (MC) as I began gesturing to my only dino body.

The voice sighed before saying "Look, do you want me to start from the beginning, or are you going to use up time going from question to question? Your time is not infinite." (Unidentified)

Taking a moment to think I nod my head in affirmation and the voice continues on.

"Good, then let me explain your situation. The reason you are here is simple, I needed someone to assist me in the matters of the physical world which I am unable to tamper with. So yes I am the reason you are here in that body with the capabilities that I have bestowed on you. Moving on to the fact of what it was I brought you here to do and that would be to correct some . . . imbalances in the part of the world I put you in. Now on to the last part which relates to the second, why you are here now. That is because you came into contact with one of the many imbalances of this world and through the powers, I gifted you to correct it, did so but much too early. You are currently teetering on the edge of death waiting to see whether or not your vessel and spirit can handle the weight of what you have taken in. For the most part that is the short of it, what more would you like to know while we wait?"

"What are the chances of my survival of this problem I threw myself into." (MC)

"If your looking for an estimate based on what you have done so far I would say 4 out of 10 times you will survive so keep your fingers and claws crossed" (Unidentified).

"Next would be about the body you put me into and the powers you gifted me, just why me." (MC)

After saying this the objects sped up for a sec and the voice had a clear excitement to its tone.

"Oh ho now that is an interesting story. I have only seen it once or twice in the billions of years I have been in existence but it just so happens that there are times when one's spirit is not compatible with the original form they were in before transferring. I attempted to place your spirit into that of a humanoid but every time I did there was a rejection of the said form. It nearly worked on one of the earthen races that would coincide with what you would call dwarves, but still, it did not work. Finally, I began testing with all manner of creatures and came upon the one you are sitting on now. Then about the power, as I said before I gave you it, it's a part of me allowing you to use miraculous powers others would not be able to normally as well as to resist the corruption of the imbalances in the world. The only reason it shows up to you in that form is that I found it to be the only way you could rationalize what was happening to you at that moment." (Unidentified)

"Alright I can accept that and it does make sense now, I would not have minded being a dwarf, actually I would have preferred it, to be honest, but you still have not answered my last question. Why me, out of the untold billions and trillions of others did you pick me." (MC)

At this point, the objects stopped moving and came up in front of me.

"To be honest there were at least 50 other candidates. I picked you by pure chance, and it just so happened that you had been there the longest out of them all. Also don't think you are the only individual that has been whisked here to the world that I overlook." (Unidentified)

The cube hovered an arm's length away from me and rotated 180 degrees to show the other side. There on the edge of the cube were many small strings, even smaller than the one that connected me and my other body. All of these spider web thin lines drifted off into untold directions.

"Do you see now. There are many others besides you that I have brought here that I am connected to, mind you not as strong as we are, but still connected. The world you are in is much bigger than you could imagine with many other continents, islands, and people. Some have done what I have asked of them and others did not. Of course, they had all died previously and they were going to lose all sense of themselves but I stopped that. I have done the same to you.By the way, I did put in measures to keep you alive as well as warnings but it is clear you did not listen to those. Well, is there anything more you would like to ask?" (Unidentified)

AN: Hello there fantastic readers. Sorry for the wait, this will be a two part chapter and it is nice to finally get some world building out there and put some of my thoughts to words. If there is something that is not clear or just not making any sense to anyone I will address it just comment below I check them daily. Finally May the 4th be with you and have a good night, day or what have you.