The Beast Awoken

So, I bet your wondering "oh you killed the giant along with some comrades, good for you now you can move on to the town" and as much as that statement is correct it is not the whole story. First of all yes I "was" fighting the giant which I thought I was doing a decent job at until it hit me one to many times and then someone else came out to play. This had happened before when I was a smaller size I just was not conscious during it unlike now.

At this moment I am standing in that void space with my other half that being my body, going absolutely berserk on whatever was in front of it, which I presume to be the giant that I had been fighting up until I was dragged here. When that giant thumped me in the head it must have triggered something because before I knew it I was here without my little island (MY BODY) underneath me.

It did not take long before the rampaging dino which to me looked like it was fighting the air in front of me turned its ire my way. I was frozen stiff as a chill ran up my back before the jaws were opened and I could see down what was my throat. It lunged seeming to bring the weight of the world with it towards me before crashing into a spherical translucent barrier surrounding. I fell flat on my ass from the shock of nearly meeting my end for the second time or is this third. I should numb to this at some point but right now is not that time.

Again and again claws rend and jaws clamp onto the little sphere around me protecting me from what would surly be a swift death I would be little more than a mouth full anyway. The attacks slow as my body seems to have some easier targets to go after. It slowly saunters away and starts to slowly circle, as I watch on silently.

"Another fine mess you have found yourself in and not so long after I have already helped you. Haaa, what am I to do with you?"

Looking back over my shoulder two shapes circled each other in the air.

"How is it that you have let loose your other half without having a backup plan. I find that this is a very poor plan on your part did you think about what might happen to those two that you were with?"

"Hey! You say this like I meant to let my supposed "Other Half" loose which I did not know I even had in the first place. It would have been nice to have known that on the off chance I get smacked to hard I pop up here while my body goes to auto pilot could you not have told me this before I felt your realm before?!" (Me)

"Well I thought that you had already experienced this once before so it was not foreign to you. There was also the fact that it was with you sleeping all the while we had our last conversation. I did not see it as terribly important at the time because you had asked a multitude of other questions not pertaining to that. But I can see by the confusion painted across your expression that you did not expect this to happen."

"Clearly! This is no time to be arguing! Now how do I hop back into the drivers seat before my other half hurts anyone!" (Me)

"Well first you . . . ."


Out in the brisk mountain air two face against one in a heated battle. Nearby two large bodies lye still in heaps the life drained from them staining the white snow around them.

The couple were on the defensive while the large beast they had been accompanying turned on them and attacked. They had tried to get into its head to see why it was doing this but all that greeted them was animalistic madness.

"Alright I have had enough of this. I had my doubts and I was right, this guy was just going to kill us. Why do you always have to be soft to every creature that walks in our path!"

"You know as well as I do that he was clearly different and this is not him. Something must have happened to put him into this state otherwise he would never do this. Just keep on defending while I try to calm him down."

Again more glyphs were drawn and more magic wasted. Sleep did not take hold neither did any calm spell craft. Command and restrain type spells seemed to work for a time but were soon broken by some unseen force that could not be identified.

Options were running out as more ground was lost and stamina was running on empty for the both of them.

"Ha . . . (wheeze) ha . . . I am just about out of steam here. But even after all this of running around in circles and breaking through your magic it did not slow this guy down at all. I don't think we have a choice here Hun."

"No there must be a way! He has survived in places he should never have been able to, he has talked to The Mother Tree. This is a sign, a sign that my people might be able to regain our home after all this time. We must keep trying not just for me and my people but yours as well!"


While the two of them talked their opponent took the opportunity to swing their tail around to hit the dwarf knocking him a good distance away into a snow embankment.

Dodge, duck, role that was all she could do to get away from the many attacks that were coming. Sorcery was not an option at this close of range and if her husband was not able to come over and assist again soon then she might just lose her life if she does not act.

But that was when the oddest thing occurred the attacks just stopped.

The tensed claws fell limply to the side and the legs buckled under the immense weight of the body that it had to lug around and the fight ended.

"Did one of your spells finally have an effect. I don't really remember any of your magic having delayed affects but this is still great. I know what I want to do but what about you?" as he moved closer with his ax raised.

She reached out a hand to stop her husband and said quietly

"Lets just wait until he is back up. If he can communicate again then he has some explaining to do but other wise you will have your way." she turned to walk away towards their small cart to start making a temporary rest spot while they waited for what ever might come next.

AN: Hello, it has been a really ruff past month. I am a day late sorry about that. I do not really have a lot to say other than thank you for reading and your continued support.