The Beginning of The End

"Eyes up Guardian" were the first words I heard. I remember them like yesterday. About 8 years ago I woke up and seen a floating light. Had a bright white shell. The weird thing was it was talking to me. At first I thought I was insane but I quickly realized that the broken down cars littered about everywhere and the skeletons of others lying everywhere were very real.

"Get up, we have to get to cover before the fallen find us" Says the Light "Oh yea I'm a ghost, now your ghost. I'll explain later we need to move. Now"

As the ghost says now a piercing screech like nails on a chalk board can be heard in the distance. On the horizon you can see a human like figure with what looks like a sniper.

"RUN" The Ghost yells.

I turned towards the only type of cover I could find, the giant wall, and as I run, gunshots ring out in the air where I was before I ran as fast as I could and when I finally found a way inside I asked the ghost why I was running and what was going on.

"I promise you will understand with time. For now we need to get you a ship and get you out of here."

Interestingly enough we found one that was working. Buried underneath the debris and a coat of dust, the ghost decided that the ship would work. He vanished and in my head I heard a voice.

"Dont worry I'm still here. Let me do this- Aha!"

As he said 'Aha' the lights of the ship turned on and the engines roared to life. The dust and debris fell away as the spacecraft began lifting away from the ground.

"Wait for a few more seconds and I'll get you on"

As he says this I take some time to look around and realize that we are inside a dam. The holes in the walls were shaped like funnels to move the water in the direction that was needed. I also noticed the mold and moss. It looked like it was there for atleast 100 years. Possibly more. As I stop and listen I hear a loud screech, it sounds inhuman, what is it that is making this frightening noise?

"Here we go" the Ghost says abruptly. I see this weird bluish glow start radiating from my body and feel a tingling in my body, then my vision goes from looking at the mossy and cracked walls to the controls of a rundown old time fighter jet. Ghost maneuvers the ship out of the hole in the roof just in time for us to look down and see a giant humanoid figure holding a sniper like gun yell at us and take aim. Ghost quickly gets us out of there as four shots instantly appear right behind the ship and they lock onto the ship, causing major damage to the back engine.

Ghost says worriedly "We wont make it far like this... You have to take over the controls... can you do it?"

"I'll try" I say in return. As I sit down I put my hands on the controls and feel a familiar sensation in my hands, I easily out maneuver the bullets still tracing us and even go straight through a narrow cliff. Then suddenly a giant tower comes into view and I promptly crash into it.