The Team

"We are the Vanguard." Cayde says matter of factly.

"Uh whats the vanguard..?" I ask politely still confused from the last chapter.

Cayde looks like he just walked into a brick wall. "Speaker, my man, you didn't tell the newbie about the literally most important people this side of the wall?"

"No. It is not my job to take care of your responsibilities." the Speaker retorts

"Wait. My responsibilit- ANOTHER HUNTER!?!!?!?!?!!?? AWE YEAH!!!!!!" Cayde yells loudly and the groups of people start looking over at us. At this time Ghost flys over and floats above my shoulder.

"So am I just going to have to figure out why I was resurrected? Or am I here for another reason..?" I ask the four elder guardians.

"Ah. That question, well you see as a guardian you must use your power to protect the traveler and the last of humanity that resides in this city. That and to fight off the nasty demons who you find on any and every planet" Cayde said jokingly. "Seriously though you just follow your instincts. Most of us live that way." His expression darkened.

"So let's go get you suited up with your team guardian." Ikora said with a sad expression while patting Cayde on the back.

I follow Ikora through the tunnel and at the end of it there are two people one who looks like Ikora but a male version with a little different color in his clothes. He wore an eye like emblem on his clothing, It was gold and black. The other was a complete opposite, A short female wearing an oceanic blue on her armor.

"Soloan" Zavala nods to the girl. "Zavala" the girl named Soloan replied with a glint of humor in her eyes.

"Osiris, thank you for helping the new recruits out." Ikora said to the man in black and gold.

"You see I dont want our new recruits to end up dead on the first day and I think this hunter will be intriguing." Osiris said to Ikora.

"Well now that introductions are concluded, wait, just what is your name young hunter?" The Speaker who was hiding in the back behind everyone came forward and looked at the hunter. As The Speaker said this the others all look toward the hunter.

"My name? I thought ghost told you already... Its Elsie. Elsie Bray. Nice to make your acquaintance." as she says her name she takes off her helmet to show her face. Instead of what everyone was expecting she wasn't a human, she wasnt even what was called an awoken like Zavala with a blue tint to his human skin. No she was an Exo, or a robot as they were more commonly known. She didn't know why they were all so surprised, she was about to ask about it when Osiris spoke up,

"May the traveler bless us for the worst has yet to come..." as Osiris spoke Elsie realized that it wasnt because she was an exo that they were surprised, On her forehead a symbol was there. The symbol looked like a scythe with a frosted back. She had no clue what this symbol ment just that it was a bad sign....