The Task (2)

"You're insane." get_rekt 92 said, he can't believe what he just saw.

A guy he just met almost kill four people because of a car. A minor problem at that and it lead to killing.

Through the gap from the open wide window, Tornado's upper body is on the outside of the car while his lower body is still inside. He has a bazooka on his shoulder and white smoke coming out from it.

His objective is completed and he gets back.

"Let's go." He said as he makes a 'let's go' gesture with his finger.

Hearing their master's words, the two robots pushing the car from the back look at each other, and nod. Soon after, their legs turned into a wheel from an ordinary metallic leg.

With that, the car moves forward, heading to their location.

"You can't just leave like that!" get_rekt 92 said with his hand pointing to the place behind them, slowly getting smaller and smaller.

It was one thing they slap back the other party who mess with them but this is going overboard.

"It's okay, no one died and no party gets hurt. Happy ending, happy ending."

No, you clearly wanted to kill them, I could feel killing intent coming out from you when your upper body gets out of the car with a bazooka on your shoulder, it was a miracle that they survived.

As if reading his thoughts, Tornado said. "I'm just joking, I'll send someone to compensate for their car and treat them well in the city."

"What do you mean?" get_rekt 92 asked doubtfully. This is the first time he enters the city, and heck, he even didn't know that a prosperous small city exists in the second city.

He didn't know the ins and out of the city, Tornado tells him that he will send someone to compensate their car and treat them well, isn't it mean that he's a big shot?

"Look," Tornado answered as he pointing his finger to the sky. Flying motorcycles and cars could be seen heading to the location they were earlier from the opposite direction.

get_rekt lower his window to get a better look.

Indeed, those flying vehicles are heading to the location they were earlier, he averts his attention from that place to Tornado.

"Who are you?"

All this while, he thought the person next to him is nobody important but looks like this changes everything.

The first time they met, get_rekt 92 also thought he is someone weak but the fact that he lost, he is stronger than him.

"I'm a nobody, just a player who enjoys hunting easter eggs." He said with a smile.

Knowing that Tornado didn't want to talk about it, he nodded.

The small city is bustling with crowds. As the car moves forward, get_rekt 92 could see medieval-like buildings passing them and in the process, the buildings turned blurry then gone from his sight, and the road is cramped but it wasn't a big deal. Not a lot of people using a car, most of them are walking.

get_rekt 92 looked at the cloudy sky with the sun piercing its way to the ground through the small gaps on the clouds, he was wondering what time it is, thus he checks it by entering the profile setting.

Tuesday, 11:33 A.M. (27°C)

He then checks his status, perks, and weapons. After that, he open his inventory to know how many drones he has left, and soon, he couldn't help but felt stifled inside.

He has 15 drones left, he spent more than five months crafting those drones and bought the materials but in seconds, they are all gone. All that hard work went to poof.

By the way, this game also has a crafting feature.

Five minutes had passed and they arrived at a huge building, this building is a combination of a royal palace and a mansion.

Tornado parked the car in front of the majestic black gate and few black-suited people guarding the building are aware of his action.

"Okay, this is where we split up. get_rekt 92, find this guy, he's a d*ck but could be trusted." He said as he gives a photo of a middle-aged man to him.

"Where should I find him?"

Tornado shook his head, "he never stays in one spot but I heard he stay in the city for a few days. Okay, that's all, call me when you get the information I wanted." He said as he gives the car key to him and exited the car.

Seeing his action, get_rekt 92 is surprised, they just met but he gives me his key and trusted me to find this guy.

We even didn't sign a contract yet, did he forget about that?

A contract between players should be signed in a special item that all players have, if the contract is breached, it will disappear and the one who breaches it will get backlash.

As long as get_rekt 92 remember, they never sign a contract. He could escape right now if he wants to but he could tell his gut told him to do what he just tasked.

If he thinks it logically, the best option is to escape. He then begins to ponder for a few minutes but no matter how hard he thought about it, his gut still told him to follow his order.

"Forget it. If I back down now it only against my principle, the worst possibility is death anyway."

After Tornado exited the car, he changes his seat to the driver's seat, and then he remembers that there is no fuel left.

They approach the car but before they reach it, someone gets out. As soon that someone gets out, the humanoid robots open the door on the back seat and piggyback the unconscious young girl while the other one carrying a sleeping two-year-old toddler like a baby.

Seeing Tornado's face, the black suit guards welcomed him but at the same time, they were bewildered by the two robots' actions, they wanted to ask what is going on but dare not.

"Young master, welcome back." All of them said at once.

"I told you many times, don't call me young master. I'll forgive you lot by helping me fill up this car's fuel."

"Yes, young master!"

Hearing their conversation, get_rekt 92's jaw is wide opened.

No wonder he tells him that he will send someone to compensate them. He's an offspring from a rich family! No wonder that huge cash isn't enough for the likes of him. Wait, where's that cash? Oh f***

That cash is enough to buy a seven stars weapon! That cash is his hard work for the past couple of years, but to think it would be gone in a second. Just what did I do to offend the heavens?

Oblivious to get_rekt 92's mind that nearly went into a mental breakdown, Tornado proceeds to enter the huge building and ordered the two humanoid robots to go to the medicinal room inside the huge building so that those two girls could get their treatment and rest.

The story of why those three black-suited people call him Young Master is very long, the briefcase would be.

He saved those people three months after he was trapped in the game, so 4 years and 7 months ago.

This small city is also under his protection, and the reason behind it is really, simple he's the one who builds it, but not a lot of people know the fact, except Uno and that guy in the 5x5 room.

Money is supposed to be flowing into him like a river but he decides to use it for this small city. He only takes about 5% of the profit.

He walks into the mini garden of the building and as he walks, he saw a familiar face running at him from the distance.

"God of Destruction!" The man shouted.

"Hmm? Uno. Why are you shouting like I am your lost long kin? Also, don't call me with that weird nickname!"

It was none other than Uno. A guy who he met as soon he plays the game! He has a long history with him.

After Uno's shout, people around him start to avoid him and many whispers could be heard.

"That's the rumored God of Destruction? His face is handsome but too bad he always destroyed anything he touched." A young lady whispered to her friend. Her words should not be heard but to Tornado's sharp ear, it was clear as day.

This is the effect of maximizing the ear perks.

"He is a normal young lad, I can't believe someone that young could turn any buildings into dust."

Such whispering could be heard around the mini garden. Tornado felt very stifled on the inside.

I'm the one who builds the damn city and this is what I deserve? Should I destroy it?

He quickly shook his head and take a deep breath to calm down. No matter what, this small city is built from his sweat and blood. He can't destroy it cause of mere words.

Besides, he is the one who doesn't want anyone to know that he's the one who built it.

Manage to get himself to calm down, he asked.

"So? Why Alpha Wolf suddenly told me to head here?"

"This isn't the right place to talk about it. We should do it inside." He said as he leads the way and Tornado follow him from behind.





"Urgh! I can't believe that guy! He almost kills me!" A young lady said as she walked on the hallway with her teeth grit tightly and fists firmed.

"Young Princess, please calm down. It must be a misunderstanding." A middle-aged man follows behind her tried to calm the young lady.

"Humph! A misunderstanding? I am the princess from the Luo Clan. The Clan that was once ruled the Seckond Dahara City and the second strongest clan among the ten clans!" She said furiously.

"He wanted to kill me! Which means he makes the enemy out of the Luo Clan. Did you already find the background about him?"

"Ah yes of course! His name is Tornado and he is a player, not an NPC."

"A human from the outside world? I thought all of them banded together to conquered the eight-city, why is he here?"

Ever since the game is launched, NPCs already gain intelligence similar to humans so players often mistake them for another player.

They capable of thinking, developing, and struggling to stay alive. This is the other mystery of the game, NPCs are very alike to humans.

The focus of this game should be zombies but why did they put much extra work to make the human NPCs able to think like humans? It was no easy feat to pull this off, it takes a lot of time and energy.

"He is known as the God Of Destruction, he often didn't participate in an event to conquer the ten cities, the last time he does it is roughly four years ago. When they conquered the fourth city."

"Humph! A coward dare to make an enemy of the Luo Clan! Where is he? I shall pummel him to death!" She said as she hastened her steps.

"Young princess, you must not! The Luo Clan is declining ever since the apocalypse had started!"