The Changes (1)

Inside Alpha Wolf's office, Clover looks around the room and at the same time, looking for Tornado.

The office is spacious and there's a sofa in front of her as soon as she enters it. On the sofa, especially on the left side of it. Clover saw a back of a man. He is standing in front of a bookshelf, seemingly focused on something.

He wears a grey shirt and has a nice build, not too bulky nor skinny.

He seems to focus himself on something, so Clover walks forward and also keeping a distance from him to take a better look.

As she takes a step forward, the face of the man is slowly but surely revealed. She can't help but form a frown and asked.

"Tornado. What are you doing?"

Just like a crazy stalker, Tornado takes every photo on the binder to his inventory but due to it reaching the limit already, he has no choice but to stuff it inside his pocket.

Some photos fell from his pocket, landing softly on the ground, and his pocket is full of Clover's photo. Clover is happy but scared at the same time.

As soon he hears Clover's voice, he accidentally assumes that the one who talks to him is Alpha Wolf who just comes back to the room and at this point, he immediately closes the black binder as fast as possible and both of his hands enters his pocket so the rest of the photo could put much further into the pocket.

Tornado's pocket is just about to explode at any moment.

Man's pocket is like a black hole, isn't it? Most of them filled with wallet, smartphone, charger, and even an earphone in one spot.

'When did he become my stalker? I am happy but at the same time, maybe scared is the right word."

"Oh Alpha, you're back. It, it was nothing, I just, you know, keeping her photo for a good reason actually," he said as he scratching his head, "you know so that it could be use to-"

He is panicking and Clover look at him with an entertaining face, he even didn't look at the person when he talks, he just looked at the bookshelf as he scratches his head in embarrassment.

For Clover, this is an amusing sight to see, Tornado is always calm in every situation and can always lighten, making it isn't bad as it seemed, so seeing his panic face is a legendary sight. Very rare and could become a legend. If she tells Uno about this, no doubt he didn't believe her words!

At first, she was able to hold her laugh but as time goes, she can't hold it any longer and bursts into one in the middle of his words.

Tornado surprised by hearing Alpha Wolf who suddenly sounds like a charming and full of energy young lady who is laughing, when did Alpha change his gender? Is it possible that he is a woman in the disguise and reveals his true identity to me?

He averts his gaze from the bookshelf and looks at the laughing source to only find a stunning young girl and Tornado skips a beat.

Breaths later, he realized that the young lady in front of him is very familiar, when did I see such beauty before?

Pinch his chin, he analyzes the laughing young lady for few seconds straight with his brows frowned.

She then calms down from her laugh and noticed that Tornado looks at him very seriously, Clover wide her eyes as she didn't expect that he would look at her with such seriousness on his face, she can't help but hide her face with her silvery long hair in embarrassment.

Tornado tilted his head, why is she becomes so embarrassed all of the sudden? Seeing her action, he couldn't help but be confused, and a few moments later, he raises his hand as if he got the idea of why she is embarrassed.

Therefore, he points his finger to her and said with a dumb smile, "I know! You must think that my face is very handsome! You can't help but be embarrassed because of it."

Well no, I'm not embarrassed 'cause of your handsome face, many people are more handsome than you in the fifth city but I guess this could work.

Calming herself down from the embarrassment by taking a deep breath, she looks at his eyes and opens her mouth to say something but no words come out.

Seeing his eyes is enough for memories from years ago make their appearance through her mind for a few breaths, just remembering it is enough to make her eyes watery.

Tornado frowned and asked worriedly, "are you okay?"

This girl look at him for a few seconds then about to cry, did she saw my inner demon or something? Wait a minute. He said as he realized something when she rubbing her eyes while saying, it was nothing for a few times.

Her movements while doing so resembles 'her.' Let's see, familiar faces, familiar habits when rubbing their eyes.

Normally, people can't tell the difference between rubbing an eyelid but Tornado's keen eye is enough, everyone rubbing their eyes had two or three different movements but the girl in front of him is very similar to 'her.'

Therefore, as doubts start to sprout in his mind, he asked.

"Are you Clover?" He asked doubtfully to which Clover replied with tears flowing down as she can't hold her emotions any longer.

"Tornado, I'm sorry. Sniff, I, it was my fault. If only I was stronger and useful to you."

Tornado confirms that the girl in front of him is indeed her, he hugged her tightly as if she was a pillow, her warmness is comfortable and her soft, tender skin makes it more.

She is indeed the 12 years old girl he found five years ago when he starts playing the game for the first time, back then, he was a noob.

"You've grown so much for the past three years, it's okay Clover, the past just a history for us to learn." He said as he stroke her hair softly with a comforting smile.

It was a fate and miracle in itself if he thinks about it, he found her lying unconsciously in the rumbles of a destroyed building.

She is in the middle of those rumblings yet not a single thing hits her, furthermore, before he finds her, the surroundings are filled with zombies.

From that day onwards, she had been under his care until two years later and that is for another story.



Outside of the room where two guys are waiting for both of them and as they wait, they talk numerous things like how zombie kills one could get in a single day or do speedrunning when getting a mission from the guild, and more but as the conversation keeps going, they suddenly found themselves ran out of topic.

"…" Uno stands there looking at the distance.

"…" Alpha Wolf look at the door that leads to his office and yeah, he was worried.

The silence continued for three minutes, and during those minutes, what they do is just clearing their throats, yup. This is awkward.

Can't hold the awkwardness anymore, Uno about to say something, thus he opens his mouth when suddenly.

"Alpha! This is bad!" Shouted a man from the distance of the hallway, his voice is echoed.

He asked nonchalantly, "what's wrong?"

The man's running speed is fast, in thirty seconds, he already arrived where Alpha is standing.

"Huff, huff. Alpha, this is bad!" He said as he breathes heavily in exhaustion, he put his hands on his knees, taking a bowing position, he was resting himself to catch a breath.

"Calm down now. Can you tell me what happens?"

The man nodded and raise his body. "We received a report from an injured NPCs."

Alpha nodded, he doesn't let himself jumped to the conclusion, he waits patiently so that the man continued, but.

"That's it."


Uno and Alpha collapsed to the ground and at the same time, they both shouted in their heart, "then don't tell us! You making us think that we about to face a calamity! Someone needs to kick your a**!"

"I'm joking!" He said with a smile but then, his face change to seriousness, "Alpha, the NPCs I mentioned earlier are those who get their Player ID. They were farming around District C."

"How many of them are injured?"

"Four! They are all level 100."

That should be impossible, a level 100 can't be injured because of zombies from the second city, Alpha thought as he pinches his chin.

Uno then has something in his mind, so he joins the conversation.

"Is it possible that they found a hidden location? Those places are dangerous when amateurs like them explore it."

The man shook his head. "No, they got bitten by zombies!"

Uno and Alpha frowned as they both look at each other before turning their face to him doubtfully. That's a bad joke man!

"I'm serious!"

A level 100 player could take a lot of zombie bites from the second city zombies, so if they got a bite, then it would be okay, except hundreds of them controlled by Erena.

Knowing it wasn't the right time to joking around, Alpha said.

"How many zombies have bitted them?"

A normal 100 level player could take 1000 zombie bites from second city zombies. Every city has a different zombie level, the second city zombies are level 30 at max while the third and fourth are 50 and 70 at max.

"Ten! Each of them got ten bites and worse one is twenty, he is under intense care and undergoing an operation."