The Storm Is Forming...

Tornado's eyes half-closed when he looked at the something coming at him, the night with dim light making it easy for him to see through the darkness and adding his eye perks is reaching decent, he could still see what it was.

The only problem is, that thing flipping furiously on the air and coming at them with a quick pace as if meeting a mortal enemy.

Realizing the danger, he opens the door on his right, averts his gaze to Asitana, who is floating behind his seat.

"Asitana, jump!"

Hearing those words, Asitana is utterly confused! She is floating inside a car, how the heck is she going to jump?

Aware of Asitana's confusion, he didn't bother to explain it, he unzips his seatbelt, hug her on his shoulder with his left hand and jump of the car, that is what he thought.

When he realized that his belt loop, on the very back is somehow stuck on the seatbelt, his face turned grim.

Without any hesitation, he unstuck it with his right hand but it was harder than he thought,

"Damn it!" He punched the seatbelt furiously and looked at Asitana, "looks like I need to stay behind."

Thus, he grabs Asitana's collar and with that, he throws her as if she was a spear that was about to pierce the heavens.

"No!" She looked at him with reddened eyes.

Shortly after, the wooden square, which is a trap door, landed hard on the engine and the effect is as expected. It caused a short circuit, and there is a spark of electricity coming out when it happens, following it is.


A loud and deafening boom, the night earlier is now tinted with orange and red being combined, although it lasts only a few seconds, it was a beautiful sight, it looks like a firework for those who don't know the story behind it but for her.

She doesn't acknowledge it as a beautiful one, instead, it was a sad and dark firework even if it was colorful!

Her body still piercing through the dark sky with her head loom back at the car, exploding in midair then fall.

The sight of when the car is falling was like a meteor passing through the planet's atmosphere, she is incredibly terrified and worried at the same time when looking at the sight.

She does her best to slow the pace of her body using her flying ability, that way, she could stop from drift any further from the car.

Finally stopped, she turned her body around and flew towards the sky, leaving a sonic boom. At the current moment, her speed is about 1,5 Mach.

It supposed to be an easy feat to chase the car as it was swallowed by flames, it was the only thing here exuding such light.

No matter how hard she tried, she never caught up with the car and the latter keeps getting faster, leaving her in the dust.

She keeps trying though, but then, the car entered thick, black clouds with electricity flickered every second, she quickly stops her pace.

Although she sees it from above, the lighting wildly struck anything on its way even an empty air.

This makes her wonder, how could she pass it? as soon she thought the words, a panel box suddenly appeared in her view.

It was holographic and this surprised her, 'what is this?' she asked herself and wanted to touch it but her little finger went through.

'Huh.' She subconsciously said with a confused face.

Then, the next scene comes, after the holographic panel box appeared, a searching symbol appeared in the middle of the 8x8 box and below it is the word 'searching.' and following the latter is three dots.

It flickering every three seconds.

[ 🔎 ]


[Completed! There are four ways, please choose one.

1. Shouting YOLO and activate the skill [You only live once.] give immunity to death for five seconds (35% Chance of Survival)

2. Use teleportation. (50% Chance of Survival.)

3. ??? (85% Chance of Survival.)

4. ??? (100% Chance of Survival.) ]

She doesn't know what both of them meant, heck she even didn't know what teleportation or yolo is.

Fortunately, her instinct kicks in, it told her to choose the second option and she agreed without the slightest doubt.

"Asitana chose option 2!" She shouted and the texts on the panel box changed to.

[AI choose option 2 completed!]

Hence then, a space vortex is appeared on her back, it was the size of her body, sucking everything on its path, the empty air included.

Asitana felt the sucking force and before she could say anything, she was sucked into it.

Before it happened, "wait!" she shouted but the space vortex already eats her whole.



At the same time, in the underground room below a small wooden shack.

"Jun, why are they looking for you?"

"They…" She about to say what she wanted but paused due to can't find the right word, "Tornado said, they want me because I have the data to help players levelling up fast."

Jun is, of course, full of mystery, like when she said Tornado founded her on a muddy road, why is she there and how it happened? This makes Kino intrigued.

Adding what Jun just said, it makes it more!

"Is Tornado knew the data?" She asked with a frown and due to Jun's words, a possibility pops out in her mind, it could be Tornado hides her for himself to levelling up faster.

Without hesitation, she shook her head with narrowed eyes in anger, "Tornado isn't that evil! She saved me!"

Saw the sight, it makes Kino shocked to the core and it only takes a few seconds before she understood is going on.

"Jun, I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" She said with a tone of regret.

"The data is in my core's system, too see it, a person must turn me off." She said with her arms crossed and pouted, "I'll never forgive anyone who thinks bad of him! Humph!"

"Even if I trust you Ichizora-san, it was no exception!"

"Ah…" She did not expect such a scene would occur, it seems Jun is more than the girl she thought, she even not allowed someone talks about him from behind, just how close they are?

"I'm sorry, okay? Will you forgive me?" She grabs a candy bar from her inventory and gives it to her, Jun's mood increased +50 points!

Her eyes lit up, "un! I'll forgive you!" with sparkling eyes, she snatches the candy bar from Jun's right hand and chomping it. Her expression is like in the heavens!

'isn't she a robot?' Kino asked herself as she observing her, and out of the blue, the ground shook wildly.

Kino loses her balance as she sat cross-legged, she fell to her left and use her hands to hold her body from touching the floor.

Jun stops what she was doing and narrowed her eyes, "someone barged into the shack without activating the alarm!!"

She then looked at Kino, who is nervous.

"Ichizora-san, did you not close the door?"

Cold sweat flowing down from her forehead and she could not meet the gaze of the little girl, which is enough to pierce one's soul!

How can a sweet potato earlier turned into an angry soul piercer?

"I'm sorry," she apologized with an expression of regret, "but I'll help you chase away these people." Her eyes filled with determination as she said those words.

It was her fault that these guys successfully intrude the shack and it was the right thing to do if she cleaned up her mess.

She will not run away from the trouble she faces ever again, she learned that in the past. Running will gain nothing except a short time to relax and troublesome things will come in the future.

Just earlier, Jun is enraged because of Kino deactivate the security system even though she knew it was an accident.

It was after she said those words, enrage replaced by a sense of respect and awe, not only Kino admits her wrongdoing, she also wanted to fix it!

"I'm sorry Ichizora-san, my actions earlier are rather blunt."

"It's okay! Any person would react the same way as you, so, who is the intruder?"

Silence for a brief moment when Jun answered, "they are from the Scavengers Guild, there are 5 players and the highest one is lvl 640."

The words entering her ear and Kino's mouth rose, forming a grin, "looks like it will be busy."




"Tornado!" She shouted after she successfully gets out from the space vortex and on there, she walked on a long and narrow tunnel then finds a white light in the end of it.

The signs of a crashing car could be seen on where she is standing, such as burning tires, black charred doors, the flames were spread to the nearby grass.

She also finds the car which is engulfed by the flames, they are dancing gracefully but at the same time, exuding an extreme heat. So she dare not approaching it.

Few minutes of searching, she heard the sound of someone's screaming. She follows it and it only took her a few minutes to find the source.

It was a head, planted on the ground without a body, it seems that, the head's body is buried under the ground.

She looked at the head right in the eye and asked, "Tornado, what are you doing?"

"Uh… Relaxing?"