The Nerf Is Just Too Much

How is it even possible that the ground is trembling even though a loud shriek coming from hundreds of meters away?

Tornado's brows are narrowed.

He hurriedly twists the throttle but before it happened, Asitana immediately hugs his right hand and cause of her flying momentum, his hand is a distance away from the right handle.

"Asitana, let go!" He shakes his right hand up and down but Asitana shakes her head to left and right before shouting.

"No! We need to help them!"

"Help them? They are just strangers!"

Tornado is no virtue, if he had a choice to save between a stranger and someone he loves, then without showing hesitation, he will choose the latter.

Asitana on the other hand didn't have any idea what's good for the situation, she only acts what she just learn.

"Even though they are strangers, they are humans! Uno said in this apocalypse age, we need many humans as possible!"

"Uno said that? When did he talk with you?" He asked.

Before Tornado went to the medical room, he visits his old room and searches for something, Uno must've visited her at the time he was away.

Tornado did say to others that he found a mysterious little girl that could float but he didn't tell them where she is, how could have Uno known? Unless…

"Looks like he's grown." He muttered and even though his tone is hard to catch, Asitana somehow heard it.

"What?" She asked with this confused expression and tilted her head.

Tornado didn't answer, instead, he observes her confuse expression for a brief moment before finally avert it to the people beneath them and then change his gaze to the creature distance away moving in a very slow motion.

Then, a thought slips to his mind, if Clover or Uno were here, what would they do?

Look at Asitana's face, it reminds him of Clover when she forced him to help a stranger. The memory flashes like images and his eyelids are open wide upon the realisation from those memories.

He said helplessly with a sigh. "Sighed, alright I'll help them. You happy now?"

Asitana blinks her eyes in confusion as she didn't expect that Tornado would listen. She at first doubt it will work considering his expression is changed when that creature raise.

Even though she has a mindset of a two-year-old, she still an A.I. She could guess a thing or two why his expression is changed, maybe because of personal problems like revenge or maybe there is something more important.

In brief, a person with personal problems that had to be solved as soon as possible suddenly gets a suggestion to help a stranger, of course, that person will solve its problems first before helping anyone.

But despite its low possibility, she still tried, hoping Tornado would listen to her words.

Who knows it worked?

"Now could you let me go?"

His question makes her think that he is tricking her by saying he will help them but instead of that, he will place his hand on the throttle and twist it.

As if reading her thoughts, he said calmly, "don't worry, I never back down on my words."

Still hesitant, she nodded and let go of her body from his hand, hence, he stopped the motorcycle that was on auto mode.

When it was on auto mode, the maximum speed is fifty kilometres per second. So their distance from the people beneath them isn't that far.

Thus, he stands on the motorcycle and equips himself with a Katana.

As he pulls the blade away from the sheath, it lets out the iconic unsheathing sound on anime movies or series.


Jumped off the motorcycle, he closes his eyes and focuses himself. He also thinks what is the best skills to kill these zombies.

His plans are simple, go down, kill all of them, save two people, get out. It should be easy considering his level is quite high. That is what he thought when.

[Your level isn't sufficient to use this skill!]

A deep frown etched on his forehead, he then tried another skill but with lower-level out of curiosity.

[Your level isn't sufficient to use this skill!]

Isn't sufficient? That was a level fifteen skill! What the heck is going on? He thought himself.

Skills could be unlocked either by leveling up, bought them or learn them but some skills need requirement to use it, for example, a skill that only level fifteen players could use.

Anyhow, just by thinking it wouldn't do any good, he checks his status.

Name: Tornado

Role: Offense.

Hp: 5,000/5,000.

Level: 1.

Strength: 130.

Intelligent: 120.

Agility: 98.

Luck: 201.

Defense: 50.

He almost has a heart attack! His level is one and his statuses are decreased by a great number.

Can someone tell me what is going on? Oh, I know, this is must be a bug! He assured himself as he didn't want to accept the reality.

Close the status window panel and open it, it was still the same. He felt anger and frustration but most importantly, disbelief!

This just can't be real, it was like deleting a game you played for five years.

As his body fell to the ground, he shakes his head to left and right, averting his attention back to reality.

His mind is chaotic with those anger and frustration but it disappeared almost immediately when he shakes his head.

When that happens, his body subconsciously activates a perk for the mind.

It was thanks to the special perk he got from a hidden NPC. This perk is the first one he got when logged in the game

With a defense of fifty, he should be safe falling from this height. He'll think about what just happen to his level and status. His status should be more than 800 points, yes all of them.

He encounter fortuitous event on his journey a few years ago, his status rose by leaps and bounds, his level is the highest one in the game but it was all gone, in a single night.

Tragic is the only word that fit the situation.

When his distance is closing to the ground, he threw his Katana to the ground and it flips furiously for a few seconds before it finally embedded in the ground with the hilt facing the sky.

Two people are surprised by the sudden Katana fell from the sky but didn't pay any heed to it since more zombies keep coming.

He fixes his position in the air, from his face directed to the ground to legs facing it and at the same time, two people on the truck noticed him.

"Is he an enemy?" One of them asked. It was a woman whose belly is round and big, it seems she was pregnant.

"Don't know, we need to clear these undead first if he was an enemy." A girl seems to be on her fifteen replied as she reloads her gun and throws a Molotov.

Flame spreads and about fifteen zombies were burned alive.

Just as she about to finish reloading her gun, a loud thud with trembling ground and speck of dust raise to the sky. She finished what she was doing and raise her guard.

It was a second full of silence, whether the zombies or the two girls, they both didn't let out a single voice.

The zombies shifted their focus to what's causing the loud thud and approached it with a quick pace, in other words. The one causing it was a human being.

Within the speck of dust, the girls could see a sharp glint of a blade cutting the rotten flesh as if cutting a butter. The sound of meat gets chopped spread to the air.

The girl on her fifteen is in awe upon the sight.

One by one, those who enter the dust will get a ticket to meet their creator. Soon enough, these zombies decreased significantly.

Nothing comes out of the dust except separated limbs and heads.

Two girls lowing their guard when seeing that the person comes here to help them and their expression is that of joy and relief. Then, a single head coming out from the speck of dust and landed in front of them.

The head is very much gore, blood dripping from its freshly cut neck. Eyes are white and showing no signs of life, its mouth and nose somehow merge forming this creepy shape that was hard to describe.

They observed the head very closely and beyond expectation, its eyelids are moving and let out a low moan.

It was still alive! At this moment, the girls only have one thing in mind, kill it but the sudden movements startled them.

It was like dead people woke up from their death.

The girls were panicked and the pregnant woman kicked it as if it was a ball to the distance but before it happens, the girl shoots it until there are no more bullets.

About two hundred are dead by a single human and as if it was not an amazing feat, the person inside the dust suddenly complained. "A minute? What the heck? that is too long!"

When he landed on top of the Katana's hilt, it embedded even deeper that is causing the ground forming a three-meter deep crater and speck of dust as the result.

He turned on a stopwatch to see how fast his body is after get nerfed and it was disappointing.