The Elder's Fate

The ground was formed a spider web crack, not only the dust rose to the sky, it also spread to the surroundings like huge waves coming to shore. Kino's position and fifty meter in radius was covered in thick dust.

It is unknown if Kino dodged the sudden attack or not, what's more important is that. After the first attack, the Elder didn't stop, instead, it continued.

Its second claw smashed at where Kino is and after that, a continuous attack was executed. Causing the area covered by thick dust, it even spread far and wide, reaching up to thousands of meters.

At this point, the area was like a mist area, it was not anything like before, where you can see the distance without anything to block your view.

Bam bam!

The ground is shaking and as time passes, it gets more intense. Thick dust spread at a very quick rate to the surroundings, it was similar to a sandstorm but since it was a dust, how about call we call it duststorm instead of sandstorm? Yeah, let's do it.

Animals whose senses are more superior than humans somehow can't detect the presence of an apex predator, still, when they see the duststorm comes, they quickly run away.

The deer-like animal who's in the middle of munching a grass quickly ran away when the sandstorm came at a quick pace.

The moon is in the sky, watching the sight comfortably as if a person were watching a movie. Even the clouds that was earlier slightly block its view, move aside, as if want the moon to get the best view.

Inside those thick dust, something comes out with speed beyond which eyes could follow. If a person sees it from a distance, it would be like a small dot coming out from a thick dust.

It's a rock? It's a bird? It's a… wait, rock?

Indeed, what comes out from the dust is a big and round rock, being thrown to the air at high speed and finally crashing the Elder's head. The rock instantly changed into many pieces and many of them fell back to the ground.

The Elder's head moved slightly to the back when the rock crashed its head. It seems the rock was able to deal a small damage to its head.

An almost immortal being's head, well, shouldn't be moved slightly to the back. Heck, even if its head was hitten by a nuclear missile, it would still be fine. So the sight of the Elder's head slightly moving to the back because of a rock is strange.

It pretty much proves how powerful that rock is, maybe even more powerful than a nuclear missile.

The Elder's eyes were narrowed and its facial expression is stiff and dark.

"You…" It said before it opened its mouth and some kind of mysterious energy gathered there, forming a ball and in the process, making charging sound effects, it sounds like an energy weapon after reloading. You can hear the faint charging sound effect.

It was more like that but this time, it could be heard very loud and clear.

The energy is a big round ball with the color of blue, it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Then, it stops growing and the Elder closes its mouth. The ball is gone from sight and ends up inside the Elder's mouth, though, it only lasts for a few seconds.

The Elder then opens its mouth and the blue energy comes out in a straight line instead of a ball, it leaves a deafening sound as soon it comes out from the Elder's mouth.

Upon hitting the ground, it made a loud boom and destroyed the surrounding area, black and thick cloud rose to the sky as the result of the devastating blow.

Anything that was hit by that blue energy will turn to ashes without leaving anything and disappeared to thin air, it seems the Elder is serious about killing Kino. It is unknown what happened to her, is she dead? Or maybe alive and kicking? No one knows.

Put aside that, the black thing behind the Elder's head is already entering the bloodstream and even entering its internal organ. Of course, at this point, the Elder is aware. 

Its body is almost reaching immortality afterall, if the Elder can't detect something as dangerous as this entering its organ, perhaps the Elder should die with a blob of tofu!

Thus, it quickly stopped its attack and focused its attention to defend its organ and fight back, in other words. The Elder's attention isn't on Kino anymore but with something inside its body.

If anything has a relation to achieve immortality, it is either the ultimate goal of cultivation or every mad scientist's dream. However, when talking about the Elder (especially since its body is almost reaching immortality), it would be understandable that the Elder is a practitioner.

In simple words, the Elder is an ancient creature who cultivates. Indeed, this world is more than what 'players' thought. They thought this world is about killing zombies and conquering the ten cities but there's much more to it.

It sounds ridiculous and doesn't make sense but take a mind that this world is once a world where cultivation exists but suddenly changed to a world inside of a video game. What's more, the changes didn't show any signs, it just happened.

It is also unclear what happen to cultivators. Because when the world is changed, many cultivators disappeared from the world.

Anywho, what the Elder is doing right now is controlling its Qi to defend its internal organs from the black thing that spreads like wildfire in a hot summer.

It was a pain in the butt. The black thing is more resilient and powerful than the Elder thought.

If something like this managed to get into its brain, no doubt the Elder would lose control of itself and either went berserk or being controlled! If the Elder went berserk, millions of lives will cease to exist and it is guaranteed that the continent will suffer a huge blow.

The Elder would be a walking calamity!

Unless, another ancient creature wakes up and kills the Elder, then it could be avoided but at this time and age, where ancient beings could be counted with fingers, what's more. The continent is hella vast and huge! It's impossible to wait for another ancient creature to wake up.