The Future is Indeed Full of Unknown

She stabbed the dagger into the Elder's body but it didn't work, it's either the scale was just too hard for this blade or because this blade isn't strong enough, but it does make a bit of damage so that counts!

She then tried to embedded her aura into the dagger, which was successful, thus making the blade sharper, the dagger had this white thing covered its blade. This thing is Kino's aura.

She flowed her aura through her hand before finally covering the blade, it was an easy process but one mind must be in a state of deep focus. 

It was an amazing feat for her to enter the state of deep focus with a short amount of time, even the elders in her clan couldn't do something like that, if they see this sight, those fellows' pride as an elder would be crushed!

Anyway, as the blade managed to pierce through the scale, making a small wound, however, it closed almost immediately.

'As expected, it would close.' She muttered, 'so how about this?' she does something to her aura, the color earlier was pure white but now, it was pink. She made her aura so that the wound on the Elder's body wouldn't close.

Will the Elder notice it? You probably ask. No, the Elder's main focus is on the something inside its body, it is safe to say that the Elder is oblivious to what's happening outside.

Even if someone dumb enough to attack the Elder, they wouldn't do much and would make the Elder annoyed. Which is something that must be avoided, unless you're a death seeker.

With her aura turned into pink, she once again stabbed it to the Elder's tough scale and managed to make a small wound but in the process, her brows rose slightly. Anywho, the size of the wound is the size of her index finger, it was so small. The wound isn't closing but stay as it is.

Still, her aura isn't strong enough to fight back the regeneration effect of an almost immortal body, what she does is slowing down the regen ability.

With this in mind, she must act fast before the wound closes back, because if it does. It would be impossible to make another small wound, this is because everytime the body is injured, it becomes stronger than before.

Next, she places her index finger there and then, she closes her eyes and her mind is in a state of deep focus. Her plan is to flow her aura into the Elder's body through this finger.

She has to flow it slowly and at the same time help the Elder. This to make the Elder not consider her aura as a threat but as a comrade, cause if she flows her aura at a fast rate, the Elder would automatically think her aura is nothing more but a threat.

This is due to the fact that the Elder's guard is very high and will view anything beside its Qi as a threat, so the best thing to do here is that.

As her aura entered the Elder's body, it managed to get through the thousands of skin layers and get into the bloodstream and in there, there was a battle between light and shiny orb with a dark and sinister orb.

It was a devastating battle but blood flowed as if nothing happened, heck, they even go through these orbs, however, everytime a blood comes into contact with the dark orb, it turns black.

It doesn't mean the blood is going to turn into the black orb, no, it only turns black and keeps flowing following the blood stream. Oh, one thing that forget to mention, Kino's aura is like a pink little snake.

This little snake can share its senses with Kino, so the first thing she did was to observe the surroundings and when her focus caught sight of two different orbs fighting each other, she analyzed them.

It only took her a few seconds to know who's the bad guy and the good guy.

Just as she is about to help the light orbs to defeat the dark orbs, the little pink snake can't move forward because it's against the bloodstream, it was like a fish against the river current. The sight makes her wonder how this happened.

Aura is an invisible energy and doesn't take physical form unless the user wants it to, although Kino's aura looks like a little snake, it doesn't have a physical form. To make it a comparison, it was like a wind spirit, it has a form but can't be touched.

Then she knows the answer, it was because she's inside the body of an ancient creature. Their body's structure and how it works is unknown to humans, well, there is some information about it but so little.

Those information are consumed by time and it was rather hard to find one.

'I see, it seems I need to search information about ancient creature's bodies next time.'

This to fill what knowledge she lacks, who knows what she would encounter in her future journey. Put the thought aside, Kino didn't know what to do with her current situation, if she followed this blood stream, how the heck was she going to help the Elder then?

Hmm, this reminds her about the black ball on the back of the Elder's head, thus, she pulls her conscious senses from the little snake to her body, she moves her body slightly to the back and looks at the back of the Elder's head.

The black ball keeps growing at a decent pace, not too fast nor slow, which is bad. Heck, even if it's slow, it's still bad! She must do something to stop it but how?

Should she shoot that black ball from here? But its distance was about fifteen kilometers! Furthermore, her limbs are occupied, which leave her could only use light weapons, but here's the thing.

No light weapons have bullets that could travel that far, even for her favorite two futuristic revolvers that can't do the job. What? Equip herself with a bazooka by forming a hand with her aura?

She slightly looked down and pinch her chin with her right hand, 'that could work,' she muttered. However, after she said that, her left hand slips from the Elder's scale. Her eyebrows rise and her facial expression is that of shock and she just can't believe what just happened!