The Change of Tide (2)

An ancient curse isn't something to be underestimated, it is possible that it was coming from the Golden Age of Curse.

The age where curses are the most lethal for attacking and killing an enemy without moving a single muscle, the same as poison.

Different from poison where you have to concoct it and test how poisonous it is, curses only require a powerful technique and a few resources. Then you're good to go.

One thing she hates the most is when someone underestimates her. Despite her harsh and intense training and also her five years of journey, she still can't stand it if there's anyone underestimates her. 

Is it because of her pride as 'a rare talented prodigy genius'? or maybe because of the fact that when she lives in the main house, many people never underestimate her? Maybe.

Put aside that, Kino narrowed her brows and opened her left palm and facing it to her back, to those three weapons.

"Now you've done it. It's a mistake to underestimate me," she said as she flowed her aura energy to her left palm and formed an almost invisible glove.

"A mistake to underestimate you? I am just stating a mere fact. It is an amazing feat that you are still alive this far, I compliment you that but what can you, an aura user do exactly?" The curse's voice is that tone of underestimating someone and full of arrogance.

Ignoring the voice, Kino keeps going. On her left palm, a ball of aura energy that glows white is formed and even ordinary humans can see it. 

This aura energy is condensed together and as the result, it has a physical form.

This ball of aura energy is pure white like a white pearl and then, a few breaths later. Three white tentacles coming out from the ball.

It extends to those black weapons and coiled them like a snake coiling a tree branch, binding their movements and they were stopped in midair. When that happened, the tentacles came back to the white ball while dragging the three weapons.


If the curse had a face, it would make a dark and stiff facial expression. It can't believe what it just saw!

When did aura users become this strong? The curse thought to itself and sent another weapon, still, the curse knew very well that if it kept sending ordinary weapons, it wouldn't work and only waste energy.

Although the black ball has almost infinite energy, most of them will be needed for the third stage. Becoming one with the Elder.

On that stage, the curse would fight with an ancient creature's will power! Breaking their will power is like breaking a steel with a stick if the curse doesn't have fifty percent energy stored up.

A shadow figure whose size is reaching up to three meters, wearing red samurai armor and its eyes were glowing red.

Indeed, this is the weapon. It's strength is far greater than the huge sword and its speed is also the same. It should be enough to stall some time.

"You think something like that is enough to kill me?" She shouted and her position is similar to a sprinter in 'set' position.

"You're just a human, why would I spend time and energy with you? I'm not that free. Now kill her!"

The shadow warrior jumps off from the Elder's head and falls straight to where Kino is.

"Aura Energy efficiency: ten percent." She said and the aura energy inside her body circulates much faster than last time.

Which means that she wouldn't need a nanosecond of late after every time she executed a technique.

You may not notice this but Kino who knows exactly ins and outs of her body is very aware of it.

A nanosecond is matter in a battle, every tic toc of time is counted. Although Kino didn't really care about this nanosecond late when she fought with the centipedes inside that hole or that creature coming out from the Elder's body.

This was because using Aura Energy Efficiency consumes quite a lot of stamina instead of aura energy.

You can say that this is her skill, she got it when she got her player ID. You could also say that this was her reward for getting a player ID.

Anywho, this skill requires a lot of stamina and although her stamina bar isn't mentioned in this whole chapter (maybe the author forgot or something).

Her stamina is about to run out after activating this skill, though, it should be enough for attacking.

To make things easy, if we convert the stamina bar to numbers. It would be;

Stamina: 4,518/10,000.

Where each basic attack consumed 50 while every time she dodged consumed 100 and add that she fought while sprinting, where every second of it is consumed 25.

If you think her stamina wouldn't be enough, you're right but we are talking about Kino here!

She had many plans behind her brain that was yet to be executed.

With the shadow figure closing in, about five meters or so in the distance.

The shadow figure uses its sword to slow down its falling speed by piercing it through the Elder's scale and just like a butter, the sword easily gets through the tough scale and as the black figure falls, it leaves a straight wound in the process.

Green liquid gushed out and the wound immediately closed itself. Kino saw the sight and could feel a great pressure.

Is the pressure coming from the sharp sword or maybe  from the black figure itself? Either way, she eases up the pressure by covering her entire body with her own aura.

Next, since she never saw such a sword with that kind of sharpness, it would be wise to always keep a distance while fighting.

Judging by the armor, Kino guessed that the shadow warrior's speed isn't going to be that fast. The armor seems heavy considering it covered every part of it.

Against the odds, the shadowy figure is actually faster than Kino could've imagined.

Just as the falling speed is slowed down, the figure pulls out its sword with its right hand. At the same time, its legs were stepped on the Elder's scale and sprint towards Kino but then, out of the blue.

 It disappeared and left after images. Kino could see the figure's movement but it always disappeared from her sight.