The Call

When this happened.

As seconds passed, her body spammed a bunch of warning bells and at the same time told her to get away as far as possible from the directions they were heading, though. It eases quite considerably when she holds Tornado's hand tightly.

Aware of this, Tornado shifted his focus and gaze to her little fingers that were holding his left hand and noticed too that the little girl kept looking forward with a scared and worried look on her face. Wondering what makes this girl form such a facial expression, he followed her gaze.

Expecting something but there's nothing there except clouds as the eyes could see, different land shapes and forests, and even abandoned small cities and farms.

That's what he thought when out of the blue, he saw a giant figure keep flicking in the distance as if projected from an old projector.

His brows frowned and said to himself, it's that monster! But why does it keep flicking as if the body was coming from an old projector?

Asitana's little fingers became tight as the motorcycle advanced. He stroked her hair for a few seconds to calm her.

With a soft and calm voice, he said "everything will be okay. As long as I'm here, nothing can hurt you."

His words made her calm down, her heartbeat earlier that fast slowly became normal, and also, her tense shoulder loosens a little.

Despite Tornado's low level, he's a veteran in this game! There are many ways to defeat your foes without relying too much on strength. You can use items for example or use the area around you to your advantage.

He pretty much knows the ins and outs about the area around here, such as what type of zombies were summoned, what to do if certain battle music is played, and not to be reckless as much as possible.

"Though, it'll be hard. The Director would assume that I'm a high-level player wandering a low-level city."

The Director is not a zombie but an A.I. It controls where the zombies should spawn, when they spawn, how many zombies or special ones should spawn, well basically almost anything regarding zombies.

If the Director detects a high-level player entering a low-level city, zombies would get buffs to a certain degree without raising their level. Let's say it'll buff their movement speed and decrease damage by a few percent every time bullets were hit.

There are many things that the Director could buff but those things are the most common ones. Tornado's weapons are all op and could even easily wipe out zombies even on city eight within seconds!

This was because he got a special passive ability and that was 'Born under the Lucky Constellation."

By the name, you can guess already that he is quite lucky, like a certain someone in another universe with the name 'White'.

However, these weapons are all locked and can't be used since he's now level one but his life bounding weapon can still be used but its overall status was decreased by 75%! It's still good but if the Director assumed that Tornado is a high-level player, his weapon wouldn't do much.

Tornado's nerf should be an impossible thing to happen and that makes him thought to himself, it's impossible to happen but the game still considered me as a high-level player, my perks, skill trees, and everything else are still there but the only thing that was locked was my weapons.

Is it possible that there is a delay? He added.

True, there's a possibility that there is a delay. Maybe in two or three hours, his perks would be reset to zero, back to the state where he just unlocked it when he was level fifteen. Black screen with only one box at the top and many question marks above the box.

These question marks are the perks types, there are many of them. If you click one, a black screen will come into your sight, which means you have yet to unlock these types of perks.

There are many ways to unlock them but it's for another story.

It would be a bad story if his perks suddenly got locked when he's in the middle of a fight. His chance of losing would increase.

Though, it's only a possibility so he must be prepared! Still, what should he do then? Avoid any fight and keep running away? Well, that's a no. If he wanted to save Jun, fighting was the only choice!

If possible, Tornado wanted to avoid any unnecessary fights and keep it cool. Talk no jutsu should work, right?

Yeah, talk no jutsu. Everything could be solved by talking (sometimes), no need to fight.

With the above kept in mind, the motorcycle proceeds to move forward but Tornado decides to decrease the speed. He needs time to think of a plan and closed his eyes.

Just as he was about to do it, he caught something in his sight. A holographic panel box pops up in his vision. Not only that, but it also had two call symbols, one was red where beneath it was an arrow where the tip pointed to the right and one was green where the tip of the arrow pointed to left.

Above the two symbols and in between them to be exact was a circular profile picture. It was a small girl smiling at the camera and a guy wearing a horse mask, looking at the camera. Below the profile picture was a name and below it is 'calling…'

[ Jun ]


Tornado's brows raised and quickly picked up the phone.

"Jun! Are you okay?!" He shouted and Asitana startled, her body was like a person who just got a small electric shock.

"Tornado? Tornado! It's finally connected. Finally, I could call you!"

By her words, it seems she didn't hear what he just said.

"Jun, are you okay?"

"Un, Jun is okay but you must save the person who saved Jun! She's fighting with an ancient creature! They are real Tornado! Those creatures that often appeared in myths and legends, they are real!"

Jun is indeed in danger but then a stranger came and saved her, what's more. It seems the one who saved Jun is a girl and the fact that she managed to, she must be someone with capabilities and must not be underestimated.

As Tornado remembers it right, those who targeted Jun are those bastards from Scavengers Guild and each of its members can't be underestimated.

Yes, he can vs many of them even in his current state but an ordinary player vs many of them, Tornado doubt that he/she would win.

However, it seems this player managed to. Though, Tornado didn't understand how she ended up fighting an ancient creature but the fact that she saved Jun and now in deep trouble. He'll repay her actions.

"What? Ancient creature? That person fought with an ancient creature? Isn't she only hastened her dead? More importantly, where are you right now?"

"I'm inside the white room! I imagined it to be a very very tiny room!"

A very very tiny room? Tornado thought to himself.

"You… can't it be that the room is in a microscopic size?"
