The Well Known Posture (A Jojo reference? Maybe.)

The mini-map in most cases, however, would act the same if the player's vision was disturbed. If you got blinded for a few seconds, the map would disappear and if you in a foggy environment, the map would appear as white.

To make it more precise, the mini-map had a blue cursor to indicate Tornado's position and what's more, there's a tiny pink dot on it. Tornado noticed it but paid no heed considering the situation he was in.

The surroundings in the minimap are green with no manmade object whatsoever. It looks like they're near Thrido Dahara City which is about hundreds of kilometers.

For Tornado, this rule didn't apply. It seems due to the protection from Asitana's strange shield, it protects his body from making contact with the smoke.

'Interesting, I thought this trick was fixed already!' He exclaimed.

This trick is well known in the game's community but the developers decide to remove it to 'balance' the game to which players didn't take it very well. Developers at the time sent five stars weapons to all players as compensation and at the same time cooled down the heat and it works.

Still, who would've expected that the trick was still here? Though, it would make sense if Asitana was an exception. She's one of the kind after all.

As the vehicle advanced, red small dots could be seen in the mini-map and coming at him with incredible speed. With agile maneuvers, he dodged all of them and a few breaths later. The danger surrounding them began to disappear, slowly that is.

The dark smoke disappeared faster than these duo expected but they were grateful for it. Still, isn't it strange that a cloud of smoke that was so thick that limited one's vision and was full of dangerous substances would fade away quickly with no explanation whatsoever?

A strong wind? No that was impossible, it needed a storm level of wind so the smoke would disappear and Tornado didn't feel anything at all, instead. He felt such pure energy in the distance.

In addition to that, the fog in front of him slowly faded into the thin air and at the same time, a white pillar piercing through the heavens could be seen. It was so tall that if there's someone in space fixing a satellite.

It could see it.

"What the heck is going on?" He asked himself and Asitana shake her head as a response then turned her head to Tornado.

"Tornado, the disturbance in the air is chaotic! People like us who had weak resistance towards spiritual energy like this one would get a backlash!"

"Spiritual energy?" He frowned when heard Asitana's explanation. He didn't know how she knew this but from the situation he was in, her explanation does make sense.

Despite they were inside a shield, Tornado felt a stifling sensation on his chest and had trouble just taking a breath. His legs turned soft and could kneel at any moment but fortunate enough; his butt is on the motorcycle.

Cold sweats flowing down from his back and cheek, his hands and arms were trembling. Never did Tornado experienced something like this in his life!

"Aura Form: Final Judgement!"

A loud shout reverberated to the air and trembled the earth, the voice was like a divine god making a judgment on mischievous and sinful civilizations.


Right after the loud shout, bursts of energy were released and made a loud explosion and it was louder than a nuclear missile despite the explosion range is rather small.

Cracks start to appear on the shield and spread. Asitana panicked and asked Tornado what they should do.

"Oh no! The shield cannot stand such intense spiritual energy! It wouldn't last long. What should we do?" She turned her body around and her arms were in the position of someone making a Rasengan and as if an invisible force tried to ruin her posture; with her full strength she resisted.

Despite her small body, Asitana had a lot of stamina to spare but if this goes any longer. Her posture would be ruined and the shield would break.

Despite her small body, Asitana had a lot of stamina to spare but if this goes any lonAnxious began to make its debut in Asitana's mind, it started small but piled up as moments passed. She was worried about what would happen to them if the shield was broken into little pieces.

Tornado pinched his chin and at the same time searching for an answer of how they could make it out alive.

Not many options he could think of. By using items? That's possible but most items in his inventory were locked except C rarity items that any players could use and considering the items that could be used in this kind of situation were S rarity items to SSR.

It was the same as garbage but even garbage could be useful if one knows how to use them! Though, easier said than done.

Most C items were to increase one's status and weapon's overall status by a small percentage. Some are used to heal, defense, make a trap, and even increasing your level but such items were rare to find despite their rarity is C.

C defense items were sh*t in this situation, literal garbage, and one of the most annoying things about them was their quantity. They are everywhere in the real world.

The river, the side road, empty land, ocean, everywhere!

'Quantity…' He muttered and looked at Asitana.

"Asitana, there's a skill in the game that could multiply an item effect right?"

"A skill that could multiply an item?" She replied with a confused face, it's clear that she didn't know what Tornado's talking about. He sighed and said.

"Search it in your system, there is one. Once you-."

"Find one!"

"So fast?"

Tornado was speechless of course, he thought it would take a few seconds but it looks like that wasn't the case.

It seems that Asitana is getting used to the system already. Like a grandma getting used to a computer.

"Tornado, what's your plan?"

"Isn't it obvious? If we want to get out of here alive and save that stupid girl, we need to stack."