The Crash

In order for the skill could activate, her hand must touch the ripped vest but since she can't change her posture. She thought of another way within a short amount of seconds.

You see, Asitana wore a Hanfu. Short upper garment, bright blue reminiscing of the blue sky with long white sleeves. Her skirt is white with symbols, which look like a crescent moon but with many patterns around it, one can't tell just by taking a brief look at it without examined it real close. She also had a green gem on her forehead.

Since she used two skills at once and her arms were occupied. She thought of another way and found it, the crescent symbol let out a bright glow and something came out from it.

Tornado's eyes shined when saw the sight. It also gives him a magical feeling that was hard to describe, it was like the combination of amazed and surprised.

The glow then formed this stream and it was looked like a river, it flowed in the air before finally entered the ripped vest. Therefore, it glowed brightly and as if the roots of a tree spreading to the deeper part of the earth.

The stream breaks into many paths and spreads to every corner of the ripped vest. It was such a beautiful sight that Tornado even forgot the situation they were in.

At the same time too, the status effect increased rapidly.

300 > 5,000 > 25,000 > 500,000 > 1,000,000.

If this was a scene in a movie, then all digits would change at a quick rate from three hundred to a million, wait, a million? A million shield points! This shield is practically the same as any other S shield item that could absorb damage points between 800,000 to 1,542,639.

A 'C' item that could compare to an S item, if words go out that this floating child was able to do such a thing. She would be the most wanted child in the game. It's so broken!

Oblivious to the fact that it was all done, Tornado from daze state pulled back to reality as Asitana said.

"Tornado! It's done! Now… we must… save… her…"

Her tone became somewhat low as it continued, it also became soft before finally, her body fell to the ground. Tornado hurriedly grabbed her body with his hands and just like carrying a baby in his arms, he smiled as he looked at her face.

'Thank you for your hard work,' he said under his breath.

Taking a closer look, she's cute! Her baby face, her pale lips, her slightly chubby cheeks, her facial features. Oh damn!

"If Uno saw this, I wonder what would happen?" But then, the shield from Asitana breaks into million little pieces and the spiritual energy lurking in the air welcomes them with open arms.


The sound effect of a mirror breaking could be heard but it was rather faint due to the sound coming from the center of this spiritual energy. It sounds like thunder.

It was loud and could possibly damage his ears, if not for this vest shield. He may become deaf already; he wasn't sure if that's possible since they're in a game.

Anywho, Tornado asked himself. Maybe because of Asitana's shield, these thunder-like noises can't be heard. Is it possible that the shield had sound reduction features? Well, that's possible.

Hence, he looked at the sleeping girl on his arms from the source of the spiritual energy, which is a glowing human figure with a white pillar.

'What a considerate girl,' he spoke under his breath with a smile.

"Now, I must find Jun but how the heck am I going to? She's the size of a bacteria! Hmm, should I use a microscope and search the whole dam* area with it?"

He imagined it, carrying around a small microscope and using it to search for her then imagined he being old in the process.

"It would cost my life."

"Hmm, there must be something I could do."

As he wondered, a cold and deep voice. One would feel a chill on his spine just by hearing the voice alone.

"Human, just give up! Despite you have Ichizora blood and a genius at that. You would never defeat me! You're four parallel universes behind me."

Tornado swallowed his own saliva, he never saw something like this up close. He did however on his journey a few years ago but only saw it from afar and it was quite foggy too at the time so it's hard to see.

But this was another new level.

"Amazing." His eyes are full of sparkles and very similar to that of a child that just discovered something exciting and new. Normal people would be anxious, scared and their bodies would be stiffened.

Tornado however was excited. It didn't last long though when he wondered how he could help this human figure.

Searching for Jun while both of these monsters fought each other must be avoided. Shockwaves of a great battle could backlash to those who are weaker than them.

'I'm on my own huh,' he looked at the sleeping girl in his arms. Without Asitana, what can he do exactly? He's a level one player with an average status of two hundred. His skills are extremely op but with his current status, it wouldn't do much.

The only thing that is helpful is his ultimate skill. That's right, the game had three skills and one ultimate skill. The latter has many types, like burst, AOE, buff, debuff, charge, and CC.

It's similar to skills that MOBA games have and yeah, it is actually. This game has many elements of different games and combines them together.

As far as he knows, it was RPG, MOBA, VR, and FPS. It could be more considering three cities are yet to be unlocked and updates were frequent.

The next update is before the Zombie Party event. Which is exciting, what kind of players aren't excited for an update? Well, put that aside for a moment, Tornado pondered as he pinched his chin. He also looked at the giant creature that was covered by darkness.

Up to toe, darkness!

"Oh yeah, when I think about it. There's an item that could be used against debuff like darkness."

He searched the item in his inventory and found one, unfortunately. It was locked.

"Well, that was out of option, sigh." Sighed helplessly then look at the creature and at the same time keep a safe distance. Tornado looked at the creature rather attentively, seemingly looking for a weak spot.

Not seemingly but he is. By using one of his perks, he could find his opponents' weak spot but the chances are fifty percent.