The Time When They Both Meet

Of course, as the battle started. Tornado didn't stay idle and watch the fight, instead. As he watched the show, he found an idea that could save Jun, the human, and also defeat the giant creature.

Still, easier said than done since what he needed was difficult to achieve but not impossible. He pinched his chin for a few seconds and no one knows what is inside his mind, at this moment too.

The electric breath released from the giant's mouth. Despite him being inside the shield, he could feel the static shock on his skin; he snapped back to reality.

Following that, he quickly made contact with the human but in vain, he tried again but the results were the same.

If he wanted to execute his plan, he needed the figure as the crucial role but how was he going to make contact? One option is to use the emergency call. Which allows a player to call another player in a radius of fifty meters.

This feature had a long cooldown of two weeks. To make things easy to understand, Player A made an emergency call and a few seconds later, another player (Player B) whose distance is three hundred meters received the call, therefore helped Player A.

Player B would get rewards.

The rewards are based on how many zombies they fought, how high their level is, what dangerous class they are, and what zombie type they just fought.

Well anyway. Back Tornado, he tried to make an emergency call again and again but the human seemed to ignore him, that's what he thought when he made the fifteenth call.

"Shut up! If you want to save your life then struggle'!" The voice was different than what Tornado expected. He thought the human was a man since it fought agilely, fiercely, and cha-cha real smooth without making any mistake.

Who would've guessed that it was a girl? Also, the girl talked with an annoyed tone.

Anywho, the call was connected and he was about to answer the phone but the girl disconnected it before he had the chance. He frowned, "why did she hang up the call?"

Call it again three times and the girl finally answered. He let out a breath of relief when it happened.

You may be wondering why Tornado could still use the call and that was because if the call only lasted for ten seconds, it wouldn't count as using the emergency call feature.

"Do not hang up the phone, I'm not making the call to ask for help but the other way around!" He shouted in case the girl didn't hear his words since it was quite loud around here.

In case anyone was wondering, the girl blocked the electric breath from the creature with her shield and Tornado was amazed!

That shield must be an SSR item and the fact that it lasted that long against such a powerful attack, it was clear that the item had an amazing status.

"Huh? You? Help me? Just to be clear that I don't know who you are and you can always betray me."

She got a point. What's more, it amazed him that this girl could still think anyone would betray her in a situation such as this! If there's a peaceful village around here, most of them would definitely help each other and the thought of betraying one another would be slim!

Yet, this girl thought that she would get betrayed. Though Tornado can't blame her for thinking like that, this is an apocalypse age where most people only prioritize saving themselves rather than the others.

However, it didn't explain why the girl was wary of him in this situation. A single mistake could lead both of them to sleep forever without waking up so who would dumb enough to do betray each other?

Either way, Tornado must convince her that he's not hostile but friendly.

"My name is Tornado! You must have heard of me from a different city, people called me God of Destruction."

Yup, he said it himself, a God of Destruction. Sounds so cringe and uncomfortable to his ears but yeah. Also, when he said it, for some reason he felt stifled.

This is his title in the game so what can he do about it? Even if he tried to explain to them that he wasn't a master or a god of destruction and it was only an accident that those buildings are destroyed

No one would believe him!

Why is telling the truth nowadays hard? Does humanity evolve but backward?

"Tornado… God of Destruction…" She muttered and despite her low voice, it was loud enough to enter his ears. It looks like the girl was wondering if she ever heard such a name.

"Ah! It's you! You're the one who destroyed the Great Monument of Galahalla right?"

She realized who the caller was and was shocked at first but then, she giggled because the very person actually called her and offered his help!

The Great Monument of Galahalla was made with the hardest and toughest material on the continent but this guy destroyed it in a single night!

It was funny since such an interesting person that could break such a monument offered his help; it was what she needed!

"It's only an accident! I'm sure that I already explained what happened on the game's thread!" He replied with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

He sighed and diverted the subject, "anyway, I don't know you and I have no reason to betray you. What's more, if you're defeated, we're all going to die so what do you say? Do you want to work together with me?"

The girl hesitated as it didn't answer his question quickly and remained silent for a few winks.

"You do have a point but this giant creature isn't what you think, I don't want it to be killed!"

Tornado frowned as he heard her answer. Isn't what I think? He thought to himself.

Bruh, that thing clearly wanted to kill you and definitely so without leaving any trace of you in the process, not even a strand of hair would remain! Yet you want to save it without killing it? Aren't you a saint? He added sarcastically.

No matter actually, if Tornado thinks it carefully. He didn't need to kill this giant creature.

Still, Tornado wondered why the girl doesn't want to kill? It clearly symbolizes the darkness itself!

C'mon, just take a look at its dark pitch body! Even if the girl was color blinded, the aura it carries from the creature would be enough for her to tell that the creature is an evil being that was full of sin!

Tornado wanted to ask the reason but he chose not to, it will only waste more time and he needs to be quick.

"I understand, then can you direct that electric breath to that hole over there?"

"What?" The girl asked back. She was shocked by his weird demand; in addition to that, he said it as if it was an easy thing to do.

"Did I stutter? Or is it possible that you can't do such a simple task?" He said with a tone of underestimating and heard his reply, the girl was annoyed.

You're the one who offered help and I thought you were going to help me but instead of that, you order me as if I'm your servant! Who do you think I am? This is unforgivable! The girl thought to herself and oblivious to the girl's mind, Tornado said.

"Well, can you do it? If not then say so immediately, I don't want to waste any time."

If this was a scene in a comic, the girl's head would appear a symbol of anger, and gritted her teeth.


The girl was of course speechless. Furthermore, it feels like her pride is in great danger if she said that she can't do it.

Out of the blue, she got an intuition that something dangerous was definitely going to happen for both of them if she wasting any more time

Hence with nothing to say and adding her intuition, she sighed, "You're the type of person that I can't withstand."

"Thank you."

"That's not a compliment, fine I'll do it. Though, it would require a bit of time. This electric breath is more powerful than any lighting and could even pass a railgun."

"Take your time. Oh yeah, I don't know your name yet."


"Kino?" He paused as he pinched his chin, "a wandering soul." He added.

"You're a creep." The girl replied and cut the phone. Hence, Tornado stood there dumbfoundedly. He didn't do anything wrong and only said what her name meant, which was only his guess since the name 'Kino' had plenty of meanings!

Is this a coincidence? He thought to himself.

Anywho, what mattered the most was that the girl agreed to his plan and Tornado could ease a bit but he didn't have the time to lower his guard just because one of the requirements of his plan is completed.

There were many things that needed to be done, though before he had the chance to think. The girl suddenly spoke, "get ready!"

"So fast?" He bewildered.