The Dream Come True

Touching his left chest, he could feel that his heart was beating faster than usual. His breath was also.

It didn't take a lot of time for him to calm down, it only took a few seconds. Next, he looked at the black and white hologram panel.

[Save your current progress?] was the only word in the hologram panel. There was no continue option whatsoever.

As he wondered, he pinched his jaw with his fingers and a few seconds later. Another perfect circle but this time the size of a bottle cap, slid open and a small microphone raised. It seemed that there was some kind of mechanism that was similar to lifts in the DVD player.

"The heck…" he was perplexed, just how many things inside it? First, a camera lens that showed a hologram despite it was coming from an out-of-date DVD player and now a fcking microphone? What's next? A remote?

He sighed helplessly then pondered for a brief second. After that, he spoke to the mic.
