The Loyal Servant

~Pause! Sorry for interrupting the flow of the story!~

The author has something to say! Hmm, I just realized that pronouncing L as 'it' instead of him or he only makes things more confusing. Thus, I'll change everything from 'it' to him!




Stood there for a few seconds straight, L thought it thoroughly about what Pandorium just said. Everything Pandorium said was something unbelievable!

Especially when he said that everyone in this continent was only a piece in a chess game!

What's the meaning of that? Is it possible that everyone in the continent is tools for the gods?. Wait no, pawns might be the right word. He did say that for gods. Humans only tools to achieve greater things. L said to himself.

Still, when Pandorium says those words. He was faking his act so it could be that he's lying. Yet at the same time, it could be true. What's more, even if gods view humans as pawns. Why would they need humans in the first place?