The Uselessness

~Asitana POV~

Following Tornado's order, she further their distance but despite she was about fifty meters away from L. It was strange that she could still feel the electric static. Earlier it was quite powerful and it was a miracle that she wasn't struck by it.

Even at this distance, the electric static quieted down by a bit. This led Asitana to wonder, just how strong the lighting will be at a really close distance? 

Wouldn't it be enough to turn a human into black charcoal and with a slight breeze of the wind, it should be enough for it to become ashes!

Yet, Tornado in a pretty close range can survive! Only his right hand turned to black charcoal and went missing but that wasn't important as his arm was regenerated at a quick rate.

If she was that close, no doubt she would turn into ashes within seconds! Whom she shall thank for? A god or Tornado? If Asitana thought about it, thanks to him. The powerful electric shock didn't hit her.