The Quick Showdown


Instantly, the electric barrier broke into million little pieces, and just like a mirror hit by a bat, the pieces were scattered to the ground with a bounce.

In the next moment, they faded away. Using the chance, Kino quickly turned around her body and with a kick. It hit L's face. The latter can see Kino's movements rather clearly but his movements were slower than her's! It was like the time had been slowed down! 

Can't dodged the attack, L received a good kick on his face to the point his face shape changed. His cheek almost merged with his mouth!

His body went flying for a few meters before it finally stopped as he hit a tree with such force that the tree bent to where it shouldn't. Leaves falling down at such a slow pace that can be compared with a snail.

Kino's body fell to the ground with a light thud while L with a heavy thud.