The Chaser and The Stalker

"Mhmm! Mhmm mhmm mhm!" Asitana tried to speak but the words didn't come out! Her expression was terrified and she struggled to escape from Kino's strong grip. It was futile.

"Quiet! If you do so I'll let you go," she whispered. Asitana moved her head up and down vigorously. Seeing her response, Kino let go of her and walked to L's unconscious body.

Asitana's mouth was covered by blood, it was like she just ate raw meat from the source! Her cute appearance decreased by a certain degree and made her more dangerous. She looked like a fairy from a tribe that only ate meat without cooking it!

Some blood in her mouth somehow got in. It tasted kinda sweet. She was sure that something like this shouldn't be swallowed in the first place! So on the second time when some blood got into her mouth, she spitted it out.