The Pinky Promise

If not for the apocalypse, it was certain that Kino would be the Head Clan despite her being a woman. 

Entering a new era, women and men were equal but the old ways were still in the old people's mind and so, some Elders say their piece of mind that women becoming a Head Clan was the same as stepping the ancestor's dignity!

To which their opinions were being frowned upon by many Elders. The time had changed, it's time to forget the old ways and move forward, was what the Elders thought.

"I've been wondering, why is the city hidden?"

Even information about it was so little and only rumors were spread!

"Aside from hiding from the greedy bastards and dangerous situations, I think it's cool that a city was hidden. Well honestly, I use the device to hide the city out of boredom but didn't expect it would lead to this. Realizing the outcome, I thought to myself, why not keep it the way it is."