The Progress (3%)

Is this a new feature? He wondered as he touched his chin. He was sure that there were nine features in the story mode. Which were

> Timelines

> Main menu

> Character party

> Load and save data

> Fate Points

> Shop that only he can access

> Story mode skills

> Evolution trees

> Story mode gacha

> Story mode crafting system

> Story mode inventory and last but not least,

> Zombie mode. The latter was locked.

Tornado had no clue how to unlock it so he ignored it. Now that a feature he had missed from his sight showed its existence and made the total features to 13.

"Thirteen features, this is little compared to the mode I used to play but a whole new experience!" He excitedly said.

The multiplayer mode has many features to the point veteran players often forgot one to two features. Tornado included.