The Event Before Dawn

No answer within the room, Clover kicked the door without hesitation. With a loud thud, the door was forcibly opened and fell to the ground.

"Uno! I've come to play!" She shouted to which she was stunned by the scene.

"Clover… Run!" Gasping for air, Uno yelled. The reason why he gasped for air was that there was someone else in the room. The latter was dark but the moonlight lightened the room albeit dim.

In the room, Clover could see a silhouette of a woman. She was pretty tall and beautiful. The first impression of Clover towards the woman was a mature and beautiful woman. However, Clover felt that the aura the women had was deadly and dangerous.

"Oh? An unexpected guest," the woman said with a faint smile as she tightened her hand around Uno's neck. Uno struggled for more air but the women's grip was tight and strong.