The Gracefully

Tornado basically just got a light heart attack upon this sight. If possible, he was probably going to kneel and complain loudly. Even right now, he lost his strength and could only use it just to stand.

What happened right now was too much for him to handle! First, his level got nerfed and now it was his Skills! In his skill slots, there was nothing except that quick slash!

In order words, all of his hard work for the past five years disappeared in a blink of an eye! All those sweats and blood, it was in vain.

It was impressive that Tornado still has sanity in his mind. If this happened to others, it was certain that they would lose their minds! Tornado could only laugh bitterly as he slowly accepted the reality.

Luo Xiao was surprised seeing her teacher suddenly laughed. Honestly, that laugh creeped her out.

Tornado's laugh getting louder and louder. Luo Xiao frowned and slowly approached her teacher who seemed to be losing his sanity.