The Little Surprise

A young girl was running from great danger and her steps were clumsy. Every few steps, she would often look at her back and her steps immediately slowed down.

"Damn it, why does this have to happen to me?" She wondered to herself.

Huge trees as the eye can see and the air was incredibly humid. The sunlight was covered by the leaves and can't penetrate to the ground, as a result. It was quite hard to see the surroundings as darkness limited her vision.

After some time of running, the girl stopped her pace and rested her hands on her knee. Causing her posture to bow down.

"Hah... hah... We get separated," she said with a heavy breath and raised her posture. Following that, she wiped her mouth off with her arms and continued to run.

However, before that, she wiped her mouth off. She could see blood on her arms and it was quite thick. Seeing the blood, the girl felt anxious and unsettled.