The Separation

The dark tunnel was a void of voice. Their ears were constantly ringing as their tinnitus took effect. Their tinnitus ain't that bad, it happened every so often only in a completely silent place.

Water drops from the distance could be heard clearly and it somehow eased the tension as the terrifying dark tunnel could have many monsters lurking from behind and waiting for the right time to attack.

Once in a while, Saya turned back and the result was often reliving. Still, it did not change the fact that she was anxious.

On the other hand, Luo walked with no hint of worry on her face.

"Saya, where you come from?" Out of the blue, Luo asked. The complete silence made her bored and since no danger has yet to be detected, it wouldn't hurt to start a conversation.

Furthermore, they were going to be together for a few hours or possibly days. Not that Luo wanted to know her better, it was only to satisfy her boredom.

As they say, boredom can kill.