The Usefulness

This child did not hold back on praising himself! Which made Luo somehow pissed. 

"You're a scientist? At such a young age?" Saya couldn't believe what she was hearing. He looked like an eighth years old boy! Prodigies sure were different. 

"This is the result of my research. It didn't go well. Anyway, we should look for the other me. He is also one of the results from my research."

Saya's curiosity piqued even further. If the other him was the result of experimentation, just what is this boy's true identity?

Saya doubted that he only an extraordinary and talented scientist. There must be more that was completely hidden and sealed away. 

"If you don't mind. Do you mind telling us what your research is about?"

"Saya! What are you doing?" Luo abruptly said. Before she says this, Lycrus going to say something but chose not to. 

The reason why Luo intervened in their conversations was that they don't need to be involved in the boy's matter!