The Man's Mind Is His Only Heaven!

His skin was tingling the moment he heard the voice that seemed to be from a divine being!

Following this, a sharp pain appeared in his head to the point he had to grit his teeth to withstand the pain.

Tornado walked to his left then right in a random pattern as he touched his head and yelled, "get out of my head! Get out of my head!"

In the process, he bumped with the hanging bodies and they were swayed about.

His line of sight was hazy and blurry. His upper body was extremely heavy! As a result, he collapsed. 

Against the odds, the voice disappeared as soon he fell! He got up and checked his body if he suffered any injuries. 

He never knew what happened to him when in that kind of state. 

"Your line is my question! What are you? Are you a monster?" Tornado walked slowly to where his blade was. 

Life-bound weapons have a special connection with the owner. Even if they separated millions of meters away, the owner can still find it!